Wow. The detail is amazing. The candles are very menorah looking. Where exactly is this? Can you tells us a bit more about this place. Or where to go to research it? Thanks for sharing.
John Miesel
Oh yes, Man certainly can be very creative and do all sorts of beautiful things thinking he is honoring the Creator. But, if the same emphasis and dedication were placed in honoring/obeying God and living the life that Jesus/Yeshua wanted his followers to live perhaps our societies would be in a better condition than they are now. The opulence in these churches are so much like the Hindu and Buddhist temples in Asia. Somehow Mica 6:8 comes to mind.
…and some day it will all be burned up. and yet Jacques Ellul wrote that in the end God will redeem all of Man’s work….I have been wondering about that for some years and still looking for that answer.
Dawn McLaughlin
These pictures you share of the things/places you see are amazing. Thank you.
I too am struck by the opulence of these religious places that seek to glorify (I think) Y-H. Every religion has its palaces and gold it seems. While it is amazing to behold and to know that man created it, something about it is a bit repulsive to me as well.
Why is it so amazing to create something such as this and yet be scorned for attempting to be obedient and live in a manner Y-H prescribes for us? (The same Y-H that this creation worships!) Everyone admires this kind of artistry but not so much those who seek to be humble and obedient to Y-H.
I have no idea if this makes any sense or not. This is one of those things I am having a hard time expressing in words.
I know exactly what you mean. All of that human creativity in order to glorify God at the same time rejecting the simple instructions He gave for living. It is a great, and tragic, paradox. I guess when I see the beauty and artistry in these places of worship, I can’t help but think what dedication these people had for a Lord that they barely knew. What a shame that the paradigm that taught them to honor God in this way kept them from seeing His grace in the Torah.
Thank for coming to my rescue with words. You express it more clearly than I. This captures what I was trying to say in a nutshell.
A paradox-yes that is what it is.
Michael C
I’m also amazed at the high level of skill needed to create these cathedrals way back in the “primitive” and simple days. It goes against the grain of thinking that we have “progressed” when I look at the blah buildings we have created today. Sheetrock, wood, and caulk! These modern buildings will look like rubbish in just a few decades compared to these historical works of art.
If I asked my contractor to build something that looked like these amazing structures he would laugh at me.
Wow. The detail is amazing. The candles are very menorah looking. Where exactly is this? Can you tells us a bit more about this place. Or where to go to research it? Thanks for sharing.
Oh yes, Man certainly can be very creative and do all sorts of beautiful things thinking he is honoring the Creator. But, if the same emphasis and dedication were placed in honoring/obeying God and living the life that Jesus/Yeshua wanted his followers to live perhaps our societies would be in a better condition than they are now. The opulence in these churches are so much like the Hindu and Buddhist temples in Asia. Somehow Mica 6:8 comes to mind.
…and some day it will all be burned up. and yet Jacques Ellul wrote that in the end God will redeem all of Man’s work….I have been wondering about that for some years and still looking for that answer.
These pictures you share of the things/places you see are amazing. Thank you.
I too am struck by the opulence of these religious places that seek to glorify (I think) Y-H. Every religion has its palaces and gold it seems. While it is amazing to behold and to know that man created it, something about it is a bit repulsive to me as well.
Why is it so amazing to create something such as this and yet be scorned for attempting to be obedient and live in a manner Y-H prescribes for us? (The same Y-H that this creation worships!) Everyone admires this kind of artistry but not so much those who seek to be humble and obedient to Y-H.
I have no idea if this makes any sense or not. This is one of those things I am having a hard time expressing in words.
I know exactly what you mean. All of that human creativity in order to glorify God at the same time rejecting the simple instructions He gave for living. It is a great, and tragic, paradox. I guess when I see the beauty and artistry in these places of worship, I can’t help but think what dedication these people had for a Lord that they barely knew. What a shame that the paradigm that taught them to honor God in this way kept them from seeing His grace in the Torah.
Thank for coming to my rescue with words. You express it more clearly than I. This captures what I was trying to say in a nutshell.
A paradox-yes that is what it is.
I’m also amazed at the high level of skill needed to create these cathedrals way back in the “primitive” and simple days. It goes against the grain of thinking that we have “progressed” when I look at the blah buildings we have created today. Sheetrock, wood, and caulk! These modern buildings will look like rubbish in just a few decades compared to these historical works of art.
If I asked my contractor to build something that looked like these amazing structures he would laugh at me.
Or charge you $100 million, if he could find the craftsmen to do the job. A lost world to us. We don’t have 200 years to build a cathedral anymore.