A Very Sobering News Story
One of the readers on this site provided this link.
In my opinion, it is almost to late to wake up the West to what is happening. Political correctness and guilt are about to destroy our way of life.
CLICK HERE for the video report
or use this link.
Try counting the “woman and children” that the mainstream media promotes. Where are they?
I know the video. We took in 140 refugees in our town. Nice people, just like you and me: women, children there husbands and fathers. Some christian, some muslim. Real refugees. Don’t forget this is only one side of the story and therefore not a complete or right picture. Please pray for the REAL refugees!
Some pictures of refugees sharing flowers to say Thank you for receiving us!
I can’t open the site. Sorry. Yes, I am sure there are truly wonderful people among this group, but what do you do with the thousands who are barbaric? How do you know which is which? And especially you, where the Muslim population will soon be large enough to VOTE in what they want. Pay attention to the rhetoric of the leadership. Where are the “peaceful” Muslims who stand up against this brutality? Why don’t we see them being outraged? Why don’t they call for reprisals? Look the the leadership if you want to see where this is going.
There were declarations of the muslim population of several cities and mosks in which they abhor the atacks this weekend. But you’re right: it’s difficult to seperate the tares from the wheat……
Kees, I do not want to burst your bubble, but Islam has an agenda. I know because I have been talking to their organisers. You have no idea what you are going to have to deal with. Take Hitler and multiply by 70 (in Hebrew this means indefinite).
Having lived in San Diego all of my life, I noticed a mass movement of people into this country many years ago over the border of my community. There were times when a large group of people would run up interstate 5 highway out of Mexico and the only thing that would be done is that traffic would come to a halt so that they would not be injured or killed by the cars.
Seeing this, I told many of my friends and family that I was going to write a book one day that centered on a less prosperous nation assembling millions of it’s citizens and walking them into their more prosperous neighboring nation. Recognizing what was to come, would that prosperous nation mount machine guns on its border and risk the condemnation of the world in slaughtering the women and children who came under the premise of a ‘better life’ while actually manipulated by others intent on seizing the other country?
Here the mantra is ‘Aztlan’
Imagine what a couple of million Hebrews looked like in that desert
What the conquistadors looked like to the Aztecs, Olmec, Toltec and others
What the Inhabitants of any ‘invaded’ land saw
Do we see through Rehab’s eyes?
And what did God instruct Israel to do about the people who occupied the Land? Why did God tell Israel to exterminate them – all of them? What did they do to deserve this kind of judgment?
I go back to this often myself. There are obviously groups of people that even God has no use for. It seems what is missing currently is God’s army to command and fight for Him. We have become so civilized that the barbaric things we are shown (like in the video link you posted) are almost beyond comprehension.
I keep wondering and searching to see where this plague (that is what the rivers of Muslims look like to me) fits into what scripture tells us. Is this the beginning of the end? Will the abomination of desolation come from this? It is a time to have eyes and ears wide open and be not deceived.
These are not a people group worried about what others think. They are not politically correct. They openly talk about moving in to occupy a target country and basically breeding like rabbits. That is part of the reason behind so many rapes. That and demoralizing the people and relegating women to the status of cattle. They are so violent.
It is telling to me that not one main stream news source is reporting any of this. You can only find information via the internet or an informed friend.
I realize not ALL are bad but by golly, they need to prove themselves. None of this letting the hoards in and sorting it all out later!
Genesis 6:9
Polluted seed. Extermination was the only answer.
Yahveh did some serious house cleaning before with the flood and He promised that He ( no help needed from confused men thinking to earn Brownie points for paradise) promised to do it again. All that rise against His chosen people will see His wrath.
This is so hard for Western civilization. We see them as people capable of being changed if we just love them enough.
But the truth is right there in scripture just as you pointed out. God had no problem issuing the extermination orders and He is the creator of all!
Just sayin.
It’s too late. I’ll take it a step further, we have lost already but we just don’t know it. The American man has been neutered, has become docile and lacks fire. Our choices have become false options. I’m 28 years old and look at this and honestly think my nation is dying – well and other things of course.
I have friends that are Muslim, they are actually quite nice. There is a big, ‘*’ next to that because they really don’t know too much about their religion and do the ‘big things’. If you are a practicing Muslim and believe in the faith, assimilation is not part of your vocabulary. This simply will not work out.
There is a tidal wave of change coming and we will have no choice but learn to adapt.
Good morning to everyone – nothing like watching immigrants wanting to rape and pillage to start off your day
Well, I am a lot older and I hate to see what is happening to those who are in their twenties. So much of the values that I grew up with have eroded. Some things were bad and needed correction, of course, but for the most part people trusted each other, crime was not everywhere and the kind of violence we see worldwide was not at my front door. It isn’t there yet, but I fear that the lack of historical perspective and moral resolve by our “leadership” will bring the devil to the door. Yes, I know there are good people among Muslims. I know some. But they are afraid too because the real force of Islam is not assimilation but dominance. They are the contemporary example of the conquering power of Rome. As far as I can tell, NOT ONE of our leaders has any sense of history. They are blind to what happened over and over in past civilizations. And the handwriting is on the wall.
I am on my way to South Africa. You want to see where we are going? Come with me as I travel–just for awhile–meet the people who are threatened by all this. See what is happening on the ground. It’s a very different story than the one you get with the mainstream press. And bring your gun, you will need it.
Don’t be so quick to call the game my friend. Neutered males facing a Sharia ban on gender bending fashion and Starbucks can be ferocious.
Islamic violence is an alarm bell and what matters is the narrative people wake up to. Many mistrust authority and narratives coming from government, media, and religion (includes Judaism) are rejected – especially with your twenty-something peers. However, people do change when taught Islam’s history and citing the Koran’s violent texts which explain current events. Educating others with the facts – free of any personal religious / Biblical interpretation is effective. Our Creator will handle the latter. You can win the fight and there are many you just do not know about right now. hang in there
Good point about your Muslim friends, Derek. The question we must ask of those who call themselves “moderate” Muslims, is where will you stand when you are forced to choose between becoming part of the “brotherhood” or keeping your moderate stance of assimilation? My guess is when the choice involves their life, they will be staunchly Muslim. And THAT, I think, is the unspoken question on most of our minds. I would love to trust the moderates, but history tells me not to do so. This should be our concern with refugees, as well. Some are probably very grateful, but gratitude doesn’t last long when the lives of your children are threatened.
I keep wanting to ask: who invented ISIS? Did ISIS invent itself? When I went back to the beginning, where Islam looked much, so much like the beginnings of, say, Mormonism, I thought I saw a pattern, and I don’t think I am the only one who sees this. Mohammed, who married a Catholic ex-nun, was quite familiar with Catholicism also. Islam seems a hodge-podge of Catholicism, too. From its inception, what has Islam done? Who has it run over and conquered, from Constantinople to Bosnia to now? Hasn’t Islam been conveniently clearing the runway for Rome from its inception? Islam has always made a great excuse to go to war.
I look also at the official ‘response’ to this ‘crisis’, where the people on the ground are so clueless, and so incoherently angry; where the foot soldiers, as it were, are also, just, well, random and lost. They don’t know why they are there, either! And what is that response, that we think is so lacking? Are we going to be rid of the real fallout from this by eradicating ISIS? What is the fallout? I look at the response from the UN and the US and others, and what I see is what I think I saw as the fallout from 9/11, where we lost enormous freedom, never to see it again. The attack this time is on “fundamentalists”, but when I go look at what is defined by “fundamentalist”, I see a description of me! Yes! I am now creatively lumped in with some random, angry and clueless young men from the other side of the globe! The call to legislate against “fundamentalism” as a ‘cure’, is going to include me! Again! Brilliant! Who says the conflict against Protestantism is over? Apparently not until the last little bug is crushed.
Who is pulling the real strings? Go back and look at who originally planned the three world wars, and then ask yourself if the drumbeats for this one are not beating again, right on time? What is going to be the fallout from this one? Who is going to end up in control?
Sorry, lots of questions, and no answers. Yet. I think I may see them only when it is too late.
Pretty interesting that the same people in France who insisted that the refugees be admitted are the same ones who initiated a military lockdown (martial law?) on their own people. Startin’ to see a pattern!
Oh yeah but for Martial law to really work they have to disarm Americans first… for “our own safety” of course…
Good questions Laurita. Satan is pulling the strings… for now.
The ISIS / ISIL soldiers are being paid in dollars … so it is easy to figure out who created them and are funding them.
The mystery is … What are the Controllers planning?
The Muslim agenda is simple … forced conversion … as it has always been.
Women and children are but a means to manipulation, which effectiveness is demonstrated by some of the remarks.
Gabriel (the angel who brainwashed Mohamed)’s purpose is not grace but severity. The sword of Islam’s strength is in the total lack of internal locus of control (contrary to “most” Europeans… Catholics excluded) by it’s perpetrators.
On a positive note! Rev.5:9-10 “…You were slain and You have bought us with Your blood for Eloah, from all the tribes, and nations, and peoples. And You made them to Eloah a Kingdom, and cohenim, and kings, and they will reign on the earth.”
Onward Melchizedek soldiers …
There have been historians and politicians predicting this development for more than 30 years. They have been systematically marginalized by the media, so the gullible public discounts those ideas. It has happened exactly as they warned. Our nation, as we know it, will not likely survive. However, I believe that it is possible that communities might become even better, and more of what we are supposed to be and do.
I am personally involved at politics at a local and state level. It is extremely frustrating to have our efforts at restoring our government to its founding principles, diminished by those who will change the rules every time the votes do not go their way. This happens all the time, and yet, we continue on, because we are not willing to give up our sovereignty, which was granted us by the Almighty, for His own reasons.
It is also worth noting here that many of the Patriots I have come to know as personal friends, are also messianic believers. It turns out that when people study “foundational documents,” it impacts their understanding of their responsibilities and their relationships in various realms.
Grace and mercy to ALL who continue to lift up our nation, asking for wisdom and guidance in these perilous times. I pray for the true peace of Jerusalem to overflow around the globe.
Read Lee Harris, Civilization and Its Enemies. That book will really scare you.
A very sensationalized and scaremongering video. You can always tell when the music gets loud and thumping. Yes, these scenes are probably real and we need to be concerned. It’s an immense and overwhelming problem. But videos like this only serve to push people to the extremes.
Interesting how music creates tone. But, as you noted, the scenes are true. So are the rapes, violence, etc. Are we intentionally blind to a culture whose leaders explicitly avow they want to destroy the West?
Understood. But among this massive influx are thousands of families with children and they all need help. Yes, it would be wonderful if Muslim countries would reach out to their own, but tribal hostilities prevent that (and indeed are the single biggest cause of the problem). So we are at the crossroads. Perhaps Armageddon won’t be far behind…
Thousands of families? What I have seen and what is reported are thousands of very capable, angry young men. Very few women and children in the hordes. You do not think the Isalamists will use women and children in their “holy” war?
Seems to me they are demonstrating their extremeness every day.
Yes. We have friends who are involved in a ministry in Croatia and who are spending nearly all their time now handing out food and clothing to these families. Here is what Winnie wrote:
“lots of cold, shivering children at the refugee camp. Aaron said most of the children arriving were shivering. They leave Syria and Iraq in 80-90 degree weather. The past two days its been pouring rain and in the 40-50’s. Thousands are arriving in Eastern Europe each day. Its overwhelming and winter is on its way.”
I am glad your friends are in a position to help. The children are the innocents. I guess this is part of reality as well.
It still does not do away with what I said previously.
The really hard truth is to look at what God commanded of the Israelite’s when he commanded them to wipe out whole people groups. The children were not excluded.
We have a long way to go to be able to see the whole picture. Perhaps that is only something God can do. This is still His world and He will still have the final say. How long will this go on? When will He step in and what is that gonna look like? This is not hopeless but perhaps His people need another 40 years in the wilderness or something similar?
You can find all of these scenes in the alternative news media minus the music score. The scenes are real and the attitudes of the very serious, fundamental Islamists are very real. Anything at Natural News tends to be a bit hyped up however, the reality in the actual news is always there.
PC (political correctness) aside, this IS very sensational and scary news. It simply cannot be swept aside with the West’s intellectual compassion. The violence is very real.
sigh…I’m really struggling this morning…where is hope when terror lurks around every corner…
Hey Patty, CNN is a major mouthpiece for the extreme left as far as news goes. Have you seen many stories on the violence and rapes etc. on CNN?
Try allnewspipeline.com for some news too. See what you can learn.
Thanks for your comments Dawn, especially on the news sources. It’s hard living in these very anxiety provoking times. But above all we see and hear, we must Trust God- no matter what.
And as far as the “peaceful” ones…
Passive hatred is not the same as “peaceful”.
..Thanks for posting that Alicia..unreal truth exposed.
Zechariah 5:9
And Zecariah 5:3… The curse or alah is going…
My turn to ask… Please explain.
A friend and i were having a discussion on whether or not Scripture calls out female angels, or if they are all male. She specifically asked about Zechariah 5:9. This is my VERY rudimentary response:
There is a specific word for angels, mal’ ak, and specific word for woman; ishshah, both are used judiciously throught the hebrew text.
If the Holy Spirit intended for us to read ‘angel(s)’ i believe it would have said ‘mal’ ak’ in the text. It does not.
The word ‘woman’ is used as a metaphor, i.e., wisdom, (Proverbs 1:20) and nations (Is 23:3, and Lam 1:1) to mention a few ‘first occurrences.
I’m thinking that in this instance the ‘woman’ is a metaphor for a nation(s); the stork is an unclean bird known for it’s ability to cover long distances in flight (which they do by gliding on air, not actually flying). Think airplanes, utilizing the wind by sitting on it, not flapping their wings.
As angels said the ephah full of sand was carrying judgement, could very well be. Sand is also used to represent generations in large quantities of numbers….think about the youtube message you sent me a while ago. how did those people get to us?
So the women having wings like a stork flying w/judgement to the land of Shina (babylon) and re-read the last three verses:
Then lifted I up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out two women, and the wind [was] in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heaven.
Then said I to the angel that talked with me, Whither do these bear the ephah?
And he said unto me, To build it an house in the land of Shinar: and it shall be established, and set there upon her own base.
Could quite possibly be a nation bring judgement to another nation by implanting their adherents in the middle of that nation and multiplying, like the sands, with in that nation to bring that nation down.
Spiritual gender is a fascinating subject. My opinion is that the image of the being may be asexual anthropomorphic and if there is a gender difference, it will be in the way the individual angel’s mind works, as male and female minds are different in function. E.g. the bride of the Messiah is a “woman” (obviously) because multiple minds are involved. Same “body”; one Spirit; same instinct (fear).
“Woman” may also be a metaphor for covenants or (?) ideology with Islam putting down roots in the land(s) of the false (Babylon) religion … “Christianity”.
But who is the other woman?
The scary bit is about YHWH’s decision in Zech.5 is “… and it shall be established…”
And Zechariah 5:3
The flying curse covering the earth… That word curse is what Yah called satan in Genesis, alar, an ancient root for the word alah, which happens to be the word curse in Zachariah 5:3.
423 [e]
[is] the curse
I don’t agree with them coming here…im thanking God that Rick Scott is not having it either…Lord open up the eyes of America!!!
If people want to see some human beings as subhuman, that is their choice. But I seem to remember another person with this view. And his name was Hitler. I steer clear of that kind of thinking. The Bible has been used to justify all kinds of “acceptable behaviors”.
The difference with Hitler is he was the one creating the refugees and the millions of Jews and Christians he murdered were never violent or terrorized anyone.
Where are the women and children? I don’t know, but if I were a Muslim mom I wouldn’t want to be in the crowds with all the mayhem and violence.
There is a difference between invaders and refugees. What we are seeing here is an invasion; the Trojan horse is the title “refugee”.
If only these terrorists would realized they are actually serving the god of this world that Yah called curse (alar, later alah) in Genesis…
These are hordes of invaders, many of them younger men. The real refugees should be taken care of on a safe zone in the Middle East.
Maybe for this conundrum we might be allowed to “think Greek,” like as in “Trojan Horse.” Then enemy is known to sow tares among the wheat. Maybe the answer might be an implanted microchip, “model 666”.. – “just sayin..” It certainly is a great time in our lives to stay “prayed up..” – and to start “looking up,” – the sound of the trumpet is near.. – all signs have been fulfilled for the next advent of the Messiah.
The link below is a program I first viewed in 2008 or 2009. I can’t the exact date.
What we are seeing now is an acceleration of what was evident then.
I do feel sorry for the genuine refugees but not for the thousands of young strong men who are the majority of the so called refugees flooding into Europe and before much longer will be flooding into all western countries unless our leadership wake up.
All these events are not taking YHVH by surprise so we must keep our eyes fixed on Him and His Anointed One Yeshua. .
sorry “remember the exact date”
I wanted to post this site for a very well informed view on the “refugee crisis.” This is a solid source for me.
You will have to copy and paste. I am not sure how to make it a live link.
You will find things here that you will never read in main stream media and some pretty hard truths about our own gov’t.
Well look at that, it is a live link when I post it!!!!
^^^^you crack me up!
To: Skip and all of you that wrote; I would like to add, that I am so pleased to know that there are so many that have an understanding of how serious this situation is, and to commend Skip for bringing it to light again, and with more insight. That alone is of some comfort. Since I have actually lived with my husband and two of the children in a country that was 95% Islamic, my heart is broken over the current government and its policies on allowing these people to come in without extreme cautions, and guidance! Many of you wrote brilliantly of some of the issues.
I want to state that one man running for the nomination of the Republican Party, actually several weeks ago stated publicly and acknowledged it broadly that he would not ever be for Sharia law; that man is Dr. Ben Carson. His motto is Heal .Inspire. Revive. A black man that came out of poverty and overcame his birth predestination, and became a medical surgeon. His wife and children have walked and lived with his “converted life”. He is a member of the Seventh Day Adventist, I AM NOT, but a denominational book on their believes given to me several years ago by a neighbor here, who was a devout one, and she followed the Torah, etc. to the nth degree, and was/is a great example to walk out what she says God worked inside her.
This past Friday night the TV Public broadcasting interviewed Dr Ben.Carson, and Judy Woodward the interviewer, who I had never seen be unprofessional before, with her mannerism, voice, and authority, treated Ben Carson in a terrible light. I was in tears over it, Dr. Carson did for a few seconds loose some cool, but got hold of his emotions. He corrected her firmly but kindly on one statement about what Judy said one of his staff had said about him in his own group, and stated that the man was his advisor. Dr. Carson stated he was not on a member of his team, and he had only spoken to the man about a subject once or twice. . Judy was asking him about bringing in these Syrian refugees, and he stated very exact and firm that we must be very careful about that, and set up strict standards, and that it did not take a thousand bad terrorist to cause our nation great grief, that in France this week, it was not even one hundred, but just a few! She reacted to that by ignorning it quickly and moving on. I was so moved by Ben Carson’s interview, that with limited funds, I said Lord, I will do without whatever to give Carson’s group $25.00!
And then what followed that interview, but still on PBS was amazing! It was pre-broadcasted program by an AFGHAN reporter that had filmed an Islamic group on ,” An education program on children ages 7-17, and the reporter was interviewed before, and explained his reasons for waiting months to get into this “education program for children”, and it was a film showing horrible things being taught the children. HORRORS of things and the end was killing others, not trusting anyone.
To those who had seen and heard the PBS reporter Judy, so take Dr. Carson to task, when he had been saying in nice clean words how the Islamic groups could act if given entry into our own nation. This film was a slap in her face, and Dr. Carson had nothing to do about the pre-filmed and narrated film. I imagine that the PBC took it off the air, my computer was down two or three days, and I just got on line tonight, so have not tried to check it out.
Sorry, if this was a dialogue and not a comment! But I was compelled to speak ! Oh Lord, for Your Mercy, wisdom, and strength to carry out what we know from your Word and Spirit! LaVaye Billings
Sis LaVaye, thank you for this very informative comment, particularly on Dr. Ben Carson, a good guy in the midst of such immoral corruption!
Love and blessings to you, Shalom!
It is a movie, taken down by Google and UTube, so the music is loud and sensational to draw our attention to the seriousness of the infiltration of refugees.
I hear the desperate cry of the lady in the movie. I cry with her. Her freedom has been abused.
I see young able-bodied men, no women nor children, NO weak, nor sickly, starved men! They are for violence and war! It may not be the religion, but it is in the name and backing of the religion (sharia law) that these men are using to invade the nations.
As for the ‘moderate Muslims’, when push comes to shove as the saying goes, they will have to make a stand. Praying these would wake up to the reality of their faith! AMEIN! It is not a religion of peace!
The following action taken by SWC –
” with SWC Senior researcher Rick Eaton, I met for two hours with four officials of Facebook at their Silicon Valley headquarters to review in detail the steps being taken by the social networking giant to remove and block terrorist instruction manuals and other materials inciting violence, mayhem and hate against the Jewish people. While far from perfect, Facebook has deleted thousands of postings that our Digital Terrorism and Hate Project has submitted and is also independently reviewing postings related to this horrific crisis. YouTube responds quickly to our complaints regarding videos promoting terrorism and usually removes them.” SWC/ Simon Wiesenthal Center
“Public-school kids told to sing Muslim ‘fight song’
Let’s see … no more Bibles in schools … zero tolerance for anything military or that remotely smacks of violence … and everyone has a right to a safe space.
So why then are these public-school kids being required to sing the jihadist-themed anthem, “Allahu’s on the way … Spread Islam now …”?
Read the latest now on WND.com.
Hopefully this will end all doubts on the true agenda of ‘refugees’-
to awaken us to the realities, to be prepared. ABBA help us!
Thank you, Ester.
The above link is a well presented history lesson in relation to the present influx of the ‘migrants’ into Europe.
Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem
I would just add that the video by Pam Geller (even though it is older) is worth watching. There are so many lies of omission out there that it is unbelievable! We need to help each other. There is a super concentrated effort to keep the general public in the dark about the whole Islam issue.
Thanks Christine.
The evil things happening around the world are atrocious indeed! Lest we forget, our nation has an evil past as well! Did we lump every southerner with the KKK who were by the definition terrorist and, who by the way, did their evil deeds in the name of Christianity? Do we lump every policeman with the racist ones causing unjust murders? How many immigrants from all parts of the world have been welcomed here and then formed gangs and mobs that still wreck havoc on our nation? I’m not saying we should take lightly the radical islamist terrorist, nor should we dismiss or take lightly, the murders on college campuses, government and financial institutions…The heart of the matter is the heart! When we become a nation that wants a religious litmus tests for allowing refugees in, we are doomed, if we aren’t already!
I posted the video that Skip shared on Facebook andI was told by some who commented that the video was racist. I guess these other Muslim countries in the Middle East are racist too. They know the danger of terrorists being among the refugees is high. Too high for them to risk. And this was before the tragedy of the Paris attack. If they recognize the danger, shouldn’t we? It’s not a lack of compassion for the legitimate refugees. It’s about the safety of the American people.
I appreciate the link, Mel. And no, it’s not racist. That cry is the new “offended” claim designed to stop the discussion. Unlike us, the ME apparently recognizes an invading army when they see one.
Here’s a piece written by Chuck Baldwin that is worth the read. Perhaps a bit different perspective than the “majority” one.
and BTW, this is pretty much where I land in my own observations. The bigger question is how to address it.
Thanks for mentioning Chuck Baldwin. I have great respect for his view of the world situation and our place in it. He has accurately predicted what certain policies will bring about. (Doesn’t scripture tell us something about that?) But I believe one of the most important points he makes is the fact that churches that continue to hold their “tax exempt” status will find themselves in the grip of the government in ways that we can’t imagine.
You can search “Chuck Baldwin” on YouTube to hear his views. In particular, I would recommend the videos where he teaches on Romans 13. The meaning of Authority, and similar ones. There are many, and if you are a regular reader of TW, you will make the connection.