God of Justice
When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had already been a long time in that condition, He *said to him, “Do you wish to get well?” John 5:6 NASB
Do you wish to get well? – What a stupid question! The paralytic had been at the pool for decades waiting for a miracle. Of course he wanted to get well! Wasn’t that obvious!
Yeshua isn’t stupid and his questions are never about the obvious, so we need to exercise some deeper reflection before we simply concentrate on the miracle. It’s just far easier for us to shout, “Oh, a miracle!” then it is for us to really pay attention to what’s happening. Yeshua isn’t questioning the man’s obvious intention. He is asking something about the man’s willingness.
The counselor spoke softly to the group. “Imagine you are a little boy on the beach. You’re playing in the sand. The breeze is warm. The water is calm. You look up and see Yeshua approaching. He comes closer and closer to you. What do you want him to say to you?”
The exercise is intended to help us see the compassion of the Messiah. The expectation is that we will hear words of validation, of care, of our worthiness. But what I wanted was the Messiah of justice. I wanted God’s Chosen One with a machine gun.
Don’t we want God to eliminate all our enemies? Don’t we want Him to do something about all those people who hurt us in the past? Why did they do what they did? They created the childhood world that told us we were no good, that taught us violence was the answer, that robbed us of worthiness and value. How many of us survived childhood without damage; damage that even today keeps us from being well? No, I don’t need the soothing words from God to tell me all is forgiven. I need the sound of an automatic weapon eliminating my torturers.
But, of course, that isn’t the answer either. I might need to feel the rage, and I probably need to weep about the result, but in the end, I still need to be healed. I still need to take up my bed and walk—into a new day where I am worthwhile without having to prove it over and over to some ghost in the past. I still need the miracle that sets me free from the chains that bind me to past trauma. So after we have a talk about how to load the weapon, I still need to take it from God’s hand and put it down on the beach. It isn’t going to make me well even if I use it.
Yes, I want to be well, but for that to happen I will have to do more than play in the sand. I will have to get up and walk with him for a long time.
Topical Index: well, heal, willing, John 5:6
“Do you want to be well?”
I work with people in my line of work right now that struggle with clutter/illness. Sometimes with the parallel/opposite: extreme control/neatness coupled with extreme illness. Both types seem to use the clutter or the control to represent/hide the holes that are driving the choices and behavior that makes or keeps them sick (I know, I have been there, too). Fear seals it all.
I ask them if they would like to be well. Well, yes they would. They seem to spend all day managing their illnesses. I ask them if they would be willing to do what it would take to change the accompanying behavior patterns that are, in fact, keeping them sick. Fear. End of conversation.
We become fractured, initially, due mainly to the choices and actions of those around us, but I can see that, once broken, we then start to believe the lies that keep us broken. Those lies tell us safety lies in a direction that, in fact, just reinforces the problem, but because trust has been betrayed, the resulting blindness prevents us from seeing the truth that would restore that trust.
I have not had a lot of success asking the question, frankly, even though every person has looked at me and been able to see my return to health – and this is after I have spent a lot of time gaining what trust they can expend. I try and try and try… Broken trust is the biggest problem we have. I am still scratching my head. I make another run at this about every day, it seems. I am going to get up and ask for the answers/direction/understanding again today, too.
Good word today, Skip.
Good morning Laurita, I’m also up against the same wall in conveying to others the “link” between health and immoral (wrong) activities. I recently read a piece by R. Sacks that clarified quite eloquently (as usual) what we so often try to convey concerning these things. I find with myself, that it’s often my ability to communicate clearly that is lacking, as well as the fear, and often panic, that is preventing understanding.
Here’s the excerpt that “rung my bell”, and I’ll give the link to the piece at the bottom.
“Reality has an ethical structure. If used for evil ends, the powers of nature will turn against man, so that what he does will be done to him in turn. There is justice in history.
There’s much to be said concerning these things, but if we could just begin to get a handle on this part of what God has so graciously provided we would do well. …….bless, bless and do not curse……I don’t want a machine gun, I want healing for those who hurt me. In that, my healing may come. Just thinkin’ out loud.
YHWH bless you and keep you……..
Thanks Robert. It takes courage to move in this direction, and you are showing it.
Thanks Skip, but I suppose the true test is when your being beat with a rock on the head!
Talk to me then and we’ll have a pretty decent idea of how well it “stuck”! As always, I really appreciate your TW and the ongoing discussion you enable. AND…. thank you for displaying faithfulness to the Sabbath, it really warmed my heart.
YHWH bless you and keep you!
Robert, thank you for the link! It made my day. Very good.
You know, I think what you were pointing out goes along with the idea of faith, which is the projection, as it were, into the future (next split second, but future, nevertheless) of the action of love. Those of us who are still one step behind reality, which is to say, responders TO reality instead of instigators OF it (which, strictly speaking, is the difference between death (no true (free) choice) vs. life (free choice)), are helpless prisoners of that reality. Like a clock that is running down, we find ourselves further and further behind the eight ball: running faster and ever faster just to ‘keep up’. Exhaustion and the lack of peace characterize this place. This is death by slow degrees. I think reality was never intended, or created, to push us around. We were made creatures of free choice just so we could be free to initiate a reality that actually worked the way it was intended to. I think we are designed, by the effective use of faith, to work with the Creator in that creation.
I also think that you hit on the key I have been going with, which is the thought that wrongs committed against us tie us to the wrongdoer. It is what we decide to do ABOUT those ties that determine whether or not we are cursed or blessed by that tie. Suffering is somehow tied up in this, too. When I suffer because of the choices of others, I somehow am bound to their suffering, which compels me to want to come to terms with what has trapped both of us. It gives me a motivation to care, where I definitely would not have been naturally inclined to care before! I think someone bound to sin shares that bind when they choose to sin against others. If we learn what forgiveness is, I think we also learn how to loosen the fetters of those who trespass against us. It is not the thought of just getting away from their chaos: it is the understanding that even though they might have chosen to include us in their chaos, we still have the option of cutting the ties that bind them AND us to that sin. All other choices besides forgiveness keep us both bound, at that point.
We are commanded to pray for our enemies. We are commanded to forgive our enemies. We are commanded, in fact, to love our enemies. When I understand that I get out of jail free when I figure out how to hand my oppressor the key to getting out of his, then I become motivated to attempt to understand, forgive and, yes, love my oppressor. (That does NOT mean let them off the hook!) Forgiveness, done correctly, is precisely where I hand the responsibility for that sin done against me back to the sinner. Forgiveness, I believe, is the only way TO do that.
I think we struggle with forgiveness and with love to the extent that we have been taught such corrupted versions and definitions of both that they no longer work correctly where they should. This is what has motivated me to become willing to start over in learning the terms. Thank you, Today’s Word, for helping me do just that!
Laurita, Thanks so much for this post. Yes, I want to be well. If you can help me find the keys to that, please email me privately.
Daria, as long as you understand that I am completely unqualified in every way to approach anyone else’s illness or anything else, especially from the world’s point of view (education, legalities, experience or license), but that I do have my own experience, strength and hope that I can share, along with the promise that where two or more gather with an active intent to congregate for a purpose, there He promises to be, too, then I would be happy to walk with you, or anyone else. This serves as a disclaimer. And an invitation, for what it is worth. Here is my email: lauritahayes@gmail.com.
Love, Laurita
The Choice of a Lifetime
When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had already been a long time in that condition, He *said to him, “Do you wish to get well?” (John 5:6)
God is able. This we know. But, the big question is, “Is He willing?”
“Do you* want to be well?” Shalom is a wonderful encompassing word. Do you* want peace of mind? The choice belonged to the paralytic at the well, and the choice belongs to us. Is THIS what I want?
Every choice contains a consequence. The choice is ours. I cannot make the choice for you, for my neighbor, not even for my children – they too must decide for themselves. Salvation is a personal choice. We (all) have a personal Savior. The choice and the question is ours today – “Do you* want to be well?”
Do you* want “shalom?” Do you* want to be saved? Do you* want to be delivered from evil? Do you* want rest? Do you* need strength, supply and succor? Are you* willing? And the answer (your answer – your choice) is?
Do you _______ take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? The choice is mine. Love is a choice. And my answer, (my privileged choice) is? I do. His actions depend upon our choices. He does not force Himself upon anyone! Love never forces itself. Not even to heal or to deliver. He (as a gentlemen would) waits for us to invite Him! He has issued unto us tHis invitation – “Come unto Me” – But who is this (invitation) for?
Here is some incredibly Good News, — this is a gloriously grand gospel invitation:
~ The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” Let anyone who hears this say, “Come.” Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires (anyone who wishes, anyone who wants to! – is this you*?) [then[ drink freely from the water of life! ~
[In His words..] “Come unto Me, – all [you*] who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” The choice is yours and the choice is mine.
“What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ?”.
Getting up and walking is only the physical part of my healing…..its the mental part, the emotional part of me that is a long walk, learning daily to tune in His voice and tune out the noise between my ears reminding me of the failures, the catastrophic choices and my unworthiness
I am pretty sure that unworthiness is one of the biggest issues most of us face. The history of our emotional well-being or lack thereof, and the steps we take to suppress those feelings, may be different for each of us, but the result is the same. God becomes the policeman who condemns us, or who seems to play favorites with others. We feel very much alone, outside the scope of compassion. We hate those feelings and as a result, hate ourselves (if we really admit it) and so we look all over for someone or something to tell us we are OK. But it is never enough because we don’t believe we are enough, and we grew up with a religious God who confirmed that we are not enough.
Finding another voice in this primal scream is the most difficult and the most essential. It means going back, back, back to where all of this started for us, and reliving those fears and disappointments, letting them find their way through us, until we come out the other side free of their claims. I believe that only then can we walk the beach instead of wanted to pick up the gun. But, you know, we have to feel the rejection, the anger, the vengeance before we can let it all go. Keeping it all inside doesn’t do anything but fester the wound.
Yes put the gun down , and walk a long way the way of forgiveness oh what a good feeling when we do forgive , just a week I felt the urge to tell someone who hurt me very much ,that I had forgiven them a long time ago for what they had done I hope it will put their mind at ease forgiveness is freeing, foot prints in the sand when we are weary, our father carries us in his loving arms.
I just told my husband everywhere I look is the word justice…………
Somehow justice with , validation, honesty, relationships, grace and healing , work & flow together …..
You were thinking my thoughts and took the words right out of my mouth. Oh yeah, that machine gun to wipe out evil. I will say, tho, that my immediate reaction (thought) to the role-play scenario on the beach was to fall down on my face in praise and worship as He came toward me.. and then I began to think, “Wait. Am I to worship the Messiah or His Father?” I’ve been seeking that out diligently, without bias, in the Word of God… tho, of course, doctrine has taught me that Messiah and the Father “are one.” Are they?
At any rate, on with justice… while I seek freedom in wellness!!! God will, one day, reign, and that is JUSTICE. Praise YHVH!
Worship, in the first century and historical biblical sense, is due respect for the person and the office. Therefore, you may worship both, as each is deserving, but for different reasons.
Great post, Skip.
Thanks Skip! As always your perspective hits my heart. I have looked at this scripture many times and often wondered why Jesus asked the man if he wanted to be made well? I think the man’s response says a lot about the hopelessness that comes from living with a long term illness, addiction or affliction. John 5:7, The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; and while I am coming, another steps down before me.”
In my life this was, “I have no one, I don’t have the money, I don’t have the education or training, etc. In terms of my eating addiction and obesity, it was, “I am too big to exercise, I can’t stick to a diet, I am too old (60), I don’t have the energy, nothing has worked in the past, I can’t do this….I have no one.”
However, one day, out of complete desperation, having just heard some bad news from my doctor about my high blood pressure and the restricted future I had in front of me if I didn’t lose weight, I actually called out to the Lord. Not in the humble, desperate way you would think, but more as a challenge. I said, “Lord, do you have a better idea? You know I can’t diet and I hate to exercise. I have spent thousands of dollars and all I have lost is time. I can’t face another diet followed by the inevitable weight gain and the associated health risks of joint problems, stroke and diabetes. You have to change my thinking – there is no other way!
I didn’t expect to actually get an answer, but here is what happened next. I clearly heard the Lord tell me, “Look, I have never expected you to fix yourself; it is a job only I can do.” I felt completely loved and for the first time in a very long time, hope. So, I understand a little better why Jesus asked the man, “do you want to be well?” He was asking, do you want me to do what only I can do?
This happened over 4 years ago. I am maintaining a 75 pound weight loss, enjoy swimming, running and riding my bike. I never did actually diet (although I felt giving up sugar was an essential part of a healthy lifestyle). I over eat sometimes, but I can’t say that I binge. However, the most dramatic shift is in the way I think. The other issues of shame, fear and insecurity don’t seem insurmountable. I put them in the same category as the obesity and compulsive eating: Things that only He can heal…..and he wants to. It’s all part of making me whole.
He is everything to me and I know that He loves me. I don’t need to know why.
Hello Everyone,
“Do you want to be well?”
Most would say yes, including me. Those occasions when I may feel God is absent or unaware or disinterested, the answer by behavior changes but not for long! Thankfully, the yes – is more consistent when confessing my sin and know He is faithful and just to forgive my sin and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Justice is His putting within me the dislike for sinful patterns that lure and attract me. Yes, I like your ending that intimates justice delivered is a process that occurs when we walk with the Master for an indefinite period of time!! I am thankful for each of the commenters and enjoy walking together!
David R
“Imagine you are a little boy on the beach. You’re playing in the sand. The breeze is warm. The water is calm. You look up and see Yeshua approaching. He comes closer and closer to you. What do you want him to say to you?”
“Dude! I’ve been looking for you.”
Easy steps to change our life – God is in control of His creation, Are we in ours?
What is to follow are some recommendations I got from a friend on how to arrange my life to make time and place for God in it…
Step 1
Remove clutter and organize your life around a specific purpose, source and process to improve it.
Step 2
Forget yesterday’s mistakes but never forget the lessons you learnt from them. Failing is not the problem the problem is how we personalize it. All mistakes are but the results of our First Attempt In Learning to live life more focused.
Step 3
Ensure you have joy in your life. When we find pleasure in what we do we find the inner motivation to excel in it so if what you are doing does not bring you joy you may consider changing it to something that does.
Step 4
Learn to pray for exactly what you want and why. We do not pray enough and when we pray we doubt and easily shift the responsibility to God to give or not to provide. When He actually wants to bless what we sow.
Try to pray for your natural needs, desires and aspirations then work on the skills you will need to make them perfect and be patient while they start manifesting…
Step 5
Use the life lessons in the Bible to shape and control your life while you enjoy the return on your work.
The laws and doctrines found in the bible are life shaping processes.
They are not life controlling or manipulating principles so learn the secret of understanding how to use these to shape and mold your life into that winning entity God blessed you with the day you were conceived…
God is true to His word. We just need to introduce His will in our way of living to be blessed with what He knows we need… Matthews 6: 9 – 33. When we do this the promise is God will bless our bread and water and remove sickness from our household. This has not changed since Mosses introduced the laws and Jesus confirmed there importance and relevance…
After rereading this post I asked myself some questions concerning the following excerpt from James…
James 5:14 (KJV) Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: 15And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. 16Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
A lot of rites and guidelines are upheld from the laws, but how serious are we supposed to be about this instruction. Do we still request the elders to pray for the sick and anoint them or are we also arguing that this only applied when the medical assistance was in its forming years and this was the only way or means available for the sick to be healed.
The paralytic man was healed without this anointment as aid – a miracle, no, that the will of God could prevail.
In the James excerpt I read of a prerequisite to pray for healing, a similar 4 step prerequisite we read of in Jonah on the preparation for a united prayer for rain or relief for hardship.
Is the will of God only found when we follow this requirements?
Is this the way God is asking us to become single-minded before we approach His throne in prayer?
Is Eve still feeding us Adam’s with the fruit of knowledge of Good and Evil and we are not yet willing to stretch out and also take and eat of the tree of life?
Is the justness (righteousness) in/of God found in the fact that He actually prepares us to approach Him?
Is it found in the faith we have to approach Him in a manner that pleases Him?
For me I believe it is that His guidelines are so clear and simple that we err by not following them and then we easily claim it is because the time is not yet right for God to answer our prayers…
Have a thought provoking day.
Do you want to get well??? Well, DO something! Get into the pool, even if you are the second or third person to be in, jump in, rather then keep believing but not doing. Be desperate! Seek cleansing, seek repentance.
That paralytic had been lying by the pool Bethesda (“house of mercy” or “flowing water”) had that sickness for a long time. He had faith to be healed but only in the moving of the waters in the pool, not really in a miracle by the Almighty GOD Whom he worships, and Who can and will heal him anytime He wishes!
“…. find him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee. (John 5:14-15)