
It is not good for the man to be alone.  Genesis 2:18  NASB

Alone – Brené Brown was the first to offer me the insight into connection. Her TED talk is significant. It must be heard (CLICK HERE). Her research provides the evidence that human beings are “hard-wired for connection,” and it is this single factor that is most influential in our quest for wholeness. Of course, the Bible speaks about this same inescapable need but in spiritual terms, not psychology. God designed us for connection. “It is not good for man to be alone,” is the primal cry for connection. And, as Ms. Brown discovered, it is also the call to vulnerability. Adam needs the woman not for companionship but for voluntary vulnerability. Without this there is no connection. There is only parallel isolation.

Next came Johaan Hari’s talk about addiction (CLICK HERE). It shouldn’t have been surprising (but it was) that connection is also intimately tied to addiction. Hari discovered that where there is real connection between people, addiction does not flourish. Conversely, the more disconnected people are, the more addictive behaviors become apparent. He specifically notes that cyber-connection is not real connection. What matters is “in your face, flesh and blood” real person-to-person presence. When we don’t have this, we find other ways to fill this essential need. Hari ends with this: “The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. It is connection.” Powerful stuff, indeed.

What this suggests is that the current social media world actually pushes us toward addiction. It is not real connection. It is the copy of true presence. It looks like connection because we are “sharing” with someone else, but the cyber fiber means that we aren’t really in the presence of the other person. We are sharing avatars, unreal personal constructions of ourselves without emotional interplay and interdependence. Michael Moen already noted the effect this is having on the Gen-X population. In private correspondence, he expressed concern that this generation does not know how to deal with real personal confrontation. Simply “unfriending” means there is no need to come to terms with the real emotions of real people. No one in the social media world is likely to show up at the door when you are in serious crisis. Furthermore, Michael observed that this aversion to rejection is creating a world where people want jobs that do not interact with other people. Sitting in front of a computer is much easier. Dating someone who has already been “qualified” in terms of involvement and expectations as a result of social media is not really personal interdependence either. It is mutually agreed upon parallel isolation. People who condition themselves for this kind of controlled involvement are vulnerable to addiction. Why? Because in the absence of real connection the excruciating loneliness of human existence is nearly intolerable, and human beings will choose whatever is necessary to numb that loneliness.

By the way, the “God-shaped vacuum” approach of religion is no solution. While it may be true that human beings are designed in such a way that they must have some kind of spiritual as well as communal connection, filling the hole with God alone doesn’t seem to produce healthy well-being. Mystics, hermits and prophets live very difficult lives, usually misunderstood and removed from any form of vibrant community. Something is still missing in the lives of those who claim God is all that is needed. In fact, the biblical text of Genesis 2 clearly implies that God alone is not enough. Adam still needed his ‘ezer kenegdo. And she needed the man to bless. Becoming one is a process of mutual vulnerability. Let me say that again. Becoming one – that doesn’t mean simply joining forces with another person. It means becoming one with myself as well. I cannot become me alone. That’s the real impact of the verse, “It is not good for man to be alone.” You and I need connection—desperately. And when we don’t find it, we will either die or die trying.

Topical Index: loneliness, alone, addiction, vulnerability, Genesis 2:18




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Ian Hodge

Excellent commentary.

carl roberts

Very interesting and informative TED talk, brother Skip. Thank you for the link. Did y’all listen to this with “Biblical filters” installed? How many verses ran through your minds while listening?

Connection #1. – “You shall love the LORD your God with ALL your heart-soul-mind-and strength.” [Notice please the absence of “Greek” commas, and the presence of “Hebrew” dashes!] Or to encapsulate, – “ALL.”

Connection #2. – “You shall [also] love your neighbor as yourself!”

Love God. Love people. All people everywhere. [And yes] Every life matters. Shalom.

Olive Oesch

Wow right on. Wish I hadknown this many years ago. Never too late to learn at 81. Blessings continue to you my friend.

Rich Pease

The truth about love is the hidden power of the universe.


So important. Happy to get my eyes opened.

Tried to share this with my friends at Facebook but couldn’t. Facebook refused, forbidden to link to this website. Really upset me.

Vicki Lockwood

You said, “I cannot become me alone.” I believe that is true in every sense of the word, including becoming the best spiritual me. I cannot sharpen myself. I need spiritual community in order to really learn and grow. In fact, if there is no one for whom I can have compassion, whom I can aid in times of trouble, whom I can love, I cannot fulfill the command to love my brother, because the command is an action–sitting alone at my keyboard is not the action the Father wants from me. Thanks Skip. You made me stop and think about my hermit-ness.


Exactly what I needed 🙂 thanks!

Tanya Oldenburg

Right on, Skip! I would have been shipwrecked, hiding in a cave some place, in a fetal position if not for community. Like a lot of people I have been wacked with some pretty hard blows in life. Relationship/community kept me alive and moving forward on the faith path. One of the best moves I ever made years ago was obeying Abba in disciplining myself to hang in there with a small home based gathering and build community. I can never go back to impersonal isolation…LIFE is in real flesh and blood relating. “Try it you’ll like it.” It will grow you, heal you and like me, it might even save your life.

Dawn McL

Awesome post! I shared with some friends. Doubt I’ll get any feedback but hopefully they will read the message.
So important to have that connection. It is so sad to see how the cyber “connections” have become so important to the younger generations. I have lost a friend or two because I don’t do social media and that is really all they have time for. Forget email let alone picking up the phone or just coming over to visit.
Really really good reminder of why it is good to visit face to face. Just goes to show that old fashioned is a good thing in many ways!! LOL


Those TED talks were so eye opening!! Psychology catching up with the Bible. God said it first Genesis 2:18


” Simply “unfriending” means there is no need to come to terms with the real emotions of real people.”
That does work where heinous, obnoxious confrontation is unavoidable, where there is yelling, name-calling, intimidating parties. And these are adults! The best obvious path is to walk away, stay away, to “unfriend”.
This is where Connection plays a vital role in bringing out the good and the bad aspects of relationships.
Connecting, when folks learn to respect, be polite, humble, not self-asserting, nor controlling, is extremely healthy spiritually and so enriching for personal growth. Personal experience.


Peter explained that to love God we need to love each other, John went further and explained that the love of God was manifested in the fact that we love each other as we love ourselves – the new covenant. Now connection of fellow individuals happens mostly because they love each other or the common cause…

I read somewhere that the ancient Hebrew thought of salvation by caring for the community, when the community had peace and harmony among each other they experienced the blessings of God easier – if this be true I do not know. Reading through the new testament messages it seems to be the core of where God and God’s will abides. David confirmed this in one of his Psalms…

So maybe it is necessary to rather connect with others to find peace than to connect for the purpose of being together as a lot of gatherings that bring no peace in mind cause conflict between even the best of friends…