Worship and Work
We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. Romans 12:6 NIV
Gifts – While the Greek heritage provides a rich texture for understanding the idea of gifting as the expression of joyful celebration, an even deeper context can be seen in the Hebrew thought patterns that lie behind Paul’s vocabulary. Charis is typically the translation of the Hebrew hen. In Hebrew thought, the paradigmatic expression of hen is found in God’s unmerited favor toward Man (cf. Genesis 6:8). The Hebrew concept of Man is rooted in the favor of God. Not only does Man owe his existence to the Creator, he is endowed by the Creator with the specific essential attributes that make each man unique. We see the cultural expression of this belief in the power of naming. In the Semitic world, a name is not simply a linguistic shorthand label. It is an expression of the essence of the thing named. Since all creation is God’s gift, in Hebrew thought there is a straight line between the favor of God and the exhibition of each man’s uniqueness. In fact, on more than one occasion, God Himself provides the “gifted” name of an individual, a name that reveals the essential character and optimal engagement of the individual.
Hebrew dramatically confirms the second characteristic of the gifts of grace. In later Hebraic literature, hen becomes nearly indistinguishable from hesed. Divine favor merges with a word that covers the idea of covenant relationship. A close examination of the scope of hesed reveals several crucial factors:[1]
- hesed always suggests “an element of spontaneous freedom in the demonstration of goodness”
- hesed “cannot be reduced to what is owed or to a duty”
- hesed is always found within the context of a continuing relationship
- hesed is “grace shown, or ready to show itself”
- hesed is “unobligated mercy” demonstrated in fellowship
Paul’s choice of charismata must be appreciated in light of his Hebrew roots. Because charismata are designed to exhibit the Creator’s joy, they can find their true expression only in actions within the full scope of fellowship with Him. Of course, since the Hebrew worldview sees Man created with the possibility of independently chosen action, the gifts endowed to Man can find expression outside the sphere of hesed, but such expressions are derivative and diminished because they circumvent the intended inter-dependency found in divine purpose. We may exercise these gifts without acknowledging the Giver or putting them to use for His purposes, but we will be operating at far less than full capacity and experiencing minimal returns. The Hebrew consciousness understood this possibility, suggesting that without hesed life was essentially empty and not worth having. In contemporary terms we might express this conclusion like this: Life without connection to divine purpose is ultimately empty of joyful celebration. It is life without the expression of what I was born to be.
For Paul, grace is the operating principle behind these gifts given by God. It is relational, intentional, free and demonstrated in actions. Wherever grace displays itself, it is accompanied by joy. The gifts of grace become God’s call to fellowship in action, designed into the fabric of human beings in such a way that their exercise sanctifies the user and glorifies the Giver. Jesus suggests such a connection when he remarks that his works are only the works shown and given to him by the Father. He extends this connection to his followers when he says that they will do greater works than he has done. Charismata (gifts of grace) are simply the active expression of the Father’s joy. Charis (grace) is the actualized divine character. It is not confined to the spiritual realm. It is found in concrete expressions of favor, particularly and summarily in the demonstration of the cross. When I look for grace in this world, I am most likely to find it where human beings, captured by the compelling power of unmerited benevolence, are busy passing on what has been given to them by manifesting the world as joyful celebration. This is what it means to be in Christ. Wherever your individual gift is being expressed as an extension of the joy of the Creator, you are in Christ, redeeming the world, delighting the Father and blessing others.
Charismata, the displays of insistent, intentional joy, retain these two elements: they can be neither claimed nor earned, and they are designed for a higher purpose. They are vehicles granted to men and women for purposes that reach beyond us but in the process of exercising them, completely absorb us. They are the means of our destinies. Paul suggests the connection when he says, “God is able to make all grace abound toward you when . . . you abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8).
Now we’re ready to examine the gifts. We are ready to be what we were born to be.
Topical Index: charismata, hesed, hen, gifts, grace, Romans 12:6
[1] Cf. W. Zimmerli, TDNT, IX, pp. 376-387
A bit of background and preparation for Ephesians 2. 1-10.
Again, “by grace” (it is the gift of God)
“through faith” (Heaven’s medium of exchange)
“unto good works” (serve the LORD with gladness!)
And let us remember, we are not saved by the plan of salvation, but by the Man of salvation, and be careful to give unto our LORD, the glory due His Name!
To be truly charismatic is to be attractive. What is most attractive? Joy. Human motives presuppose future joy – a reward for work – but they employ human motive forces, which usually include some form of adrenaline. Even excitement or a sense of pleasure in the flesh is tinged with at least some fear. Adrenaline (stress response) is almost always activated by some sort of fear (sense of danger). If we are not moving in faith, we are moving in fear As the flesh does not know anything about faith, it is left with only fear. Heavenly will always comes packaged with the strength to carry it out – we are NEVER asked to do something in our own strength. What are we told is the strength of heaven? Joy.
Joy enables us to do hard things with a smile on our face. Joy says “no problem” to filth, opposition, delay or weariness. Joy says “this is still the right direction”. Joy is the true source of a great attitude, and a great attitude tells others that we are not operating with a hidden agenda (human motivations always presuppose a way to ‘get ahead’ at the expense of something or someone else). Love travels on the wavelength of joy; indeed nothing else has enough wavelength to carry that heavy grace. I am learning that if I lack joy, I have to stop and clear my plate of ‘my’ agenda, and humbly ask for heaven’s. And not move until that joy knocks on my door with that package. If I am stressing out, I am operating in fear (which I am becoming suspicious may be the source of all fleshly strength). What God asks of me, He equips me to accomplish, and the strength of that equipping is that joy. No adrenaline (stress) required. Who knew?
I am getting too old to still be wondering what I will be when I grow up. Still looking for that place where I know I was made to be. How have others found that place? Other than home taking care of my family I have not found that “sweet spot”. The moments in my life of that inner peace of knowing I am right where I belong are just not there as they have been in the past. All counsel is appreciated.
Dear Cheryl,
You asked, “How have others found that place?” I read the book “Living In Your Zone Where Work Becomes Delight” by John Samuels and Skip Moen. That led to me taking a course with John Samuels and you can find the information on the website talentresearch.org Since taking that course, which is scripturally based, I am a changed woman. When you know and can identify your talent given to you by your Heavenly Father and use it daily to help others you are working and worshipping and forever happy. It matters not how old you are. Blessings, Maureen
Thank you Maureen,
I have read the book as well and think that age does matter. What I do well requires a degree and it would take too long and cost too much to be of any use to my family especially when the need is now. Thank you for the suggestion of the book though. It does give me perspective on at least the area I should pursue.
Dear Cheryl,
I do not know your specific circumstances, however I can relate to you from where I am. I am a Zone 4 which is an Encourager and that gifting can be used in any area to serve. All the zones work that way. You can pick any area and your zone or gifting just determines how you approach the career path you have chosen. I am having more fun now then ever. My husband is 73 and took the course so I beg to differ with you that you are never too old. There is no time like now. I pray Abba will give you wisdom as to how you can proceed. It may not look at all like what you might envision. Daily Abba deals with me to drop my agenda and follow Him. Blessings to you!
Shalom Cheryl!
In searching for our personal identity, we need ABBA to take us to Yabbok, to have a wrestling match with both Him and ourselves. It may not be as violent as Yaccov’s, but it’s worth every bit of our effort, to finally know who we truly are, in His Presence, no more lies, no more deceiving ourselves, and how we desire to serve Him better. In other words, be REAL with ourselves, facing our shortcomings honestly.
It will be such a blessing to be delivered from our fleshly natures, to move further into the spiritual realm of understanding that YHWH has so desired of us to have that abundant life.
After that soul-searching event, we/you will realise what a joy to serve Him in the family, to encourage, strengthen your family members and friends, and knowing that is where you fulfill the gift He has given you, right where you are!
Being here reading TWs, is a giant step ABBA has taken you. You are so blessed. Stay strong in a messy world.
Thank you Maureen,
I have read the book as well and think that age does matter. What I do well requires a degree and it would take too long and cost too much to be of any use to my family especially when the need is now. Thank you for the suggestion of the book though. It does give me perspective on at least the area I should pursue.
Thank you Ester!
Joy by achieving divine results… I can live with this.
What is the purpose of our calling – Adon echad, Emunah achat, evilah achat. (I do not find the correct translation in the Orthodox Jewish Bible.)
For it is in these that we received gifts: He gave some to be emissaries, and some prophets, and some gifted to be used in bringing near (together) efforts for Our Lord, King and Anointed, and some supervising as spiritual overseers who are shepherds and teachers.
I understand that our Joy should be contagious and welcome others to share in. For me our spiritual joy should reflect our divine calling… And the KJV does not truly reflect what the calling is it reveals what is found in/through the calling…
Cheryl, my “counsel” (worth at least 2¢) is to be yourself. The very “you” you know how to be. In other words, “relax.” God made you the only you, so let Him bring out the best in you. And let others see Jesus in you! Each of a unique (and critical) part to play in the Grand Weaver’s design. So, I would counsel you to not only be “ordinary,” but to be “extra-ordinary!” Why? Because God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things! Proverbs 3.5,6 still applies! – (to all of us!)
Amen, Carl!
I just read WOD for Sunday and I understand more now what you are saying. Easier said than done! Words to start to live by thanks!
hesed is always found within the context of a continuing relationship
Does this mean the purpose of sharing the gift is that we are becoming a neighbour as in the Matthew parable? Taking care of until the individual is strong enough to care for themselves…
Something like “nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care”?
Seeker, I work with lost people. I have found that they are stuck. They are bound and compromised. The number one goal, then, is to determine to make the moves to go to where they are, because it is unlikely that they are able to come to where I am. Once I am there, then I can walk beside them and, as it were, live their lives WITH them, albeit with my ability and responses. I can bring a better understanding, and a better motive, and a better outlook. I can explain the choices that perhaps they cannot see or understand. I can even choose for them, given their trust levels and my job description. I lay my life aside and pick up theirs. If they are looking and want to know, they may see something that they want.
Laurita, you are a million steps ahead of me.
I read that The truth will set us free…
Lost are the tribes/sheep of Israel. Eph 6 put on the full armour of God. This is what I share with individuals while referring to the records relevant to what makes out the armour…
For me the bible teaches that we must care for the needs of two categories of individuals;
1. Orphaned
2. Widows – those without in laws and children
For the rest the human side for the blessing covenant; Leave that which drops to the ground for the less fortunate.. From the fruit of the crop, To that $60 dropped en route to the vehicle, I believe even that change we drop by the counter while putting our change in our wallets… Doing more than this is strengthening the weak in the so called lost – they need to accept responsibility and pride for being alive, as someone once taught me – Pray that they can overcome their depression as it is this mental concern that is drawing them into the deep. The prayer of the righteous has great power – maybe it is because I am not righteous that my prayers are not answered…
More than this the outreach from the 9/10 of the tithing at the churches should be used to form helping groups. This is the struggle in offerings since Malachi it is used differently than what God desired. YHVH does not need more churches or believers He desires to live in our hearts close to our kidneys and not just in our mouths… I am growing in this direction but it still does not mean I am serving and worshiping God.
What is serving and worshiping God…
I didn’t know how lost I was until I got clued in to the fact that if a person has been poorly fathered and poorly married, too, they are probably going to be having a hard time. I was! I struggled with God as my Father as a result, and I struggled, too, with how to relate to my spiritual husband, Yeshua. I needed lots of help!
In small groups that face each other, and are directly accountable for each other, and to each other, there is the best potential for growth. House churches started out being the norm, Biblically – when I read the New Testament, anyway. I grew up being taught that the house church was supposed to grow until it reached critical mass, which was about ten families. Then, the families were expected to know enough to spread out and each one head another growing group, which they were responsible for gathering. If we just acted like this today, things might be a lot different!
Hi Laurita, I started in a home group, and can definitely relate to the environment you stated. We had a good leader, very humble; it was his home we met up each weekend, and baptism was in his home swimming pool. He and his family provides lunch for everybody who so desires to stay around the entire day, as a family. Sadly, it grew, like you said, and became a church in a building.
Subsequently, my family and I never felt comfortable in a strange church environment, where we gather only for a few hours, with no real bonding with anybody.
In a home group, folks are more transparent, eating and doing things together, in a close relationship where we are challenged to put on our best behaviours, as with family members, assisting, respecting each other.
Hi Laurita and Ester, the small group concept is exactly how we started Bible discussion but in reverse. More than 30 years ago our Catholic Diocese began a program called Renew. The overview was presented to our large congregation and anyone interested was invited to sign up. We were new to the city and the country so we thought it was a great idea for us.
Groups of 10-15 would meet at different homes regularly. All groups were given study guides to keep them on topic and develop discussion. We all enjoyed it immensely but sometimes we, as so many Catholics do, struggled with interpretation. I invited my brother Dan who was a non-practising Catholic but active in a Bible study group to join us. His knowledge added significantly to our meetings. We continued to meet after the official church program ended a few years later. Penny and I became very involved with church activities but eventually the regimental style of the pastor lead us to change churches and the small group meetings dissipated but the memory lingers on.
That was many years ago and we eventually found our “religion” within ourselves after moving from church to church and city to city until we retired and met Skip exactly where he is today, in the Med. on board a ship and “here” we are and there he is again.
Upon reflecting on this and Laurita’s and Ester’s posts I can well imagine how the “church” began the opposite way around. Paul goes to synagogues or villages around the Med. (but not via cruise ship) and does what he and only he can do. He preaches the good news like the Hillel trained Pharisee rabbi that he was to Jews and Gentiles alike. Depending on the reception he gets either on a large scale (in a synagogue) or a small scale (in a minyan, a minimum group of 10 Jews), the communities who receive, accept the Messianic message continue to grow until the number exceeds a manageable group and then restructures; large groups break up into small groups of 10 or more Jews and/or Gentiles. This continues and the number of Gentiles in the groups increases. Geometric progression leads to diminished Hebrew leadership and OT biblical understanding as Gentiles become numerically superior and the groups need better theological leadership. Cue the “Catholic church fathers” stage left. The Good News becomes more difficult for Gentiles to comprehend exegetically and with the help of Constantine and Martin Luther here we are today. You may well ask “where”? I know I do regularly.
It all sounds like good news but access to agreement becomes difficult because Gentiles don’t have formal spiritual education with the Torah like Jews and they sure don’t think like Hebrews either, they think like Greeks just as Skip correctly “accused” me of years ago. So we have three “sects” ranging from monolithic (Catholic), to distributive (Protestant), and matrix (Hebrew, three dimensional, womb-like enclosing structure) mindsets. Can we all just get along? Hmm.
We are “here” today, a group of “one” happily enjoying our retirement in this abstract community of “one”. Thanks Skip for the neuro-plasticity transformation. Shalom.
I am also involved with a discussion group from the CoC and their online evangelistic ministry the WBS, they commence the growth or expansion of there congregations or evangelistic movements in a similar manner. I heard from the Messianic group I recently came into contact with that they promote this similar church or evangelistic movement through Yeshivas. A few years ago I read of the organic church concept something very similar to that what George and Penny Kraemer explained concerning the minyan. This is very interesting as all the basic religious groups started out in similar manner and grew and grew… All accepted that it is going well when numbers are reached and tithing is high. BUT IS IT?
I attended a AFM gathering yesterday and was reminded that our service to God requires three basic elements;
Faith the gift from God,
Knowledge of His will and
Last of all our Prayers/Supplications/Praises.
To achieve this the pastor reminded the audience that our spiritual attitude is what we can work on to manifest this. We must become passionate about our faith, we must persevere in our acquiring of knowledge and last but not the least we must find a support group that shares these some views…
Sounds very familiar doesn’t it? Something that Skip has been repeating in all his posts since I joined the group. Become the Joshua/Anointed/Christ for others by accepting the Yeshua in our lives and sharing this walk and freedom of Faith with all that cross our paths…
I for one would support such closed groups as it is in them where as Luarita said responsibility or accountability towards each other is born and that is for me the same message as Yeshua’ “Love each other as I loved you”…
Now for me the challenge and input to start such a group in my hometown.
How do I invite people?
Is it better to start within my current doctrine congregation or seek others outside this congregation?
For me it is when the
Micah 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
Is established, as reminded by a fellow blogger a few discussions ago, that openness in the groups may become a reality…
Thank you Maureen,
I have read the book as well and think that age does matter. What I do well requires a degree and it would take too long and cost too much to be of any use to my family especially when the need is now. Thank you for the suggestion of the book though. It does give me perspective on at least the area I should pursue.