
For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 1 Timothy 2:5 NASB

The man – Consider the following quotation from John MacArthur, popular Christian pastor and teacher:

Village life was so deeply ingrained and so clearly understood at every level of society that the customs reflected in the biblical narratives did not usually have to be explained with the narrative. Widely known attitudes did not need to be articulated. Longstanding social customs require no explanation. Nevertheless, these unspoken but culturally understood ideas give color and meaning to Jesus’ stories.[1]

Now reflect a little on the further implications of what MacArthur writes. He clearly recognizes that the original audience of the apostolic material didn’t need to have deep theological explanation. The ideas found in the works of the apostles were already part of the culture. They were the basic assumptions of belief and practice. No one needed an explanation of the relevance of the Mosaic code. It was assumed. No one needed to have Shabbat explained to them. It was standard practice. Those of us reading the text thousands of years later must account for these embedded cultural assumptions or we will fail to understand what the authors are saying.

But then we come to decidedly Christian doctrines like the separation of Law and Grace or the Christian idea of baptism or the claims of the Trinity, and suddenly, all of this rhetoric about understanding the text in its own culture vanishes. Now we are told that whatever the original audience thought about the meanings of the words is irrelevant. What matters is not what that audience understood, but rather what the audience of the Catholic bishops believed hundreds of years later. Suddenly, Jewish culture doesn’t count. The text is interpreted according to people who weren’t even alive when it was written.

Quite frankly, MacArthur, and others, are blind to their own assumptions. They can see clearly when the text doesn’t require Christian doctrinal revision, but as soon as anything looks suspiciously Jewish, the clarity fades and we get another rendition of Athanasius or Origen or Augustine or Pope Paul XXIII. These men read Jewish documents as if they were Christian. They employ anachronisms constantly in order to justify this manipulation of the text. And it never crosses their minds that something doesn’t make sense. It’s Inception in theological education.

Topical Index: John MacArthur, cultural bias, 1 Timothy 2:5

[1] John MacArthur, The Prodigal Son: An Astonishing Study of the Parable Jesus Told to Unveil God’s Grace for You, p. 7.


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Christianidolatry is not a thought in the mind, it is an oppressive; deceptive; arrogant religious spirit that has infested the heart of the possessed… It is easier to discuss The Creator(s) with a stone or a Mohammedan than with these.

Jerry and Lisa

“They can see clearly when the text doesn’t require Christian doctrinal revision, but as soon as anything looks suspiciously Jewish, the clarity fades…..”

Cannot the same be said of Jews when anything looks suspiciously non-Jewish?

What would Yeshua do? How desperately we need to know and walk in His ways concerning what to do about those who misinterpret the text.

I am so inclined to jump on the anti-Christian bandwagon, somewhat out of hurt and anger because of often being mislead by selfishly ambitious leaders, and somewhat out of a sense of desire to shed some light for those still in its darkness.

I do think there is a time and need for this exposing of these things. Even Yeshua addressed the false teachers of His day, especially when confronted by them, though seemingly only minimally when otherwise teaching His disciples. However, we ought to not only to address teachers concerning their “anti-semitism” but also to address anyone or any religious party doing the same.

It seems to me that Yeshua primarily gave Himself to doing what He exhorted Peter to do – “Feed my sheep” – and that’s what I value the most when that is what is being done here with Today’s Word. I know I can’t change the world or even Christianity. Maybe I can’t even change my family members still in its darkness. I need to know who to “feed” what. And I need to know what is food for myself, and not just something that tastes good and satisfies something in me that is not healthy.

Give me Messiah, the Way, the Truth, and the Life…..or give me death!

Laurita Hayes

Those who are in the same boat should not bash each other.

To be fair, the Jews went to Egypt and Greece before the Christians did. They ran the libraries that held the seeds of paganism, gnosticism and mysticism and they sent their finest sons to be taught of the heathen first. There has never been a worse people on the earth than a rotten Jew simply because they are the Chosen. Because of that fact, I think the Christians have been pale wannabe’s beside the Jews.

Honestly, I believe when both the Jews and the Christians, using the new basis of philosophy they BOTH had learned, decided to use those unsanctified things of earth to divide the spoils – I do mean to mutually agree to create the dialectic (which would not have been possible to create without that philosophy) – such a stench arose on the planet the whole world has been holding its nose ever since.

I believe that same dialectic continues to seduce us to this day, and so we splinter into our respective corners and continue to count how many gods can dance on the head of a pin while millions perish for want of the treasures hidden under the stench of the fight. I believe that we all share the guilt until we resolve to come up with the solution. I do not think that solution will consist of getting an A in math.

Laurita Hayes

Can’t wait! That stuff has given me more headaches in myself and in those around me. It’s everywhere!

Judi Baldwin

I know we often dwell on the negative here, and point out the faulty thinking of those who don’t see it our way, (and even we at TW don’t always agree,) but, perhaps more acknowledgement (and praise) should be given for some of the positives. Today, MANY Christian churches are slowly coming to understand the connection between grace and law, and the importance of the Torah. MANY Jews are coming to understand that Yeshua is their Messiah. God is raising up workers (all over the world) to feed the sheep, both literally (with food) and spiritually with His Truth. There is much to be excited about, much to be thankful for…but still, much to be done. As the famous poet, Robert Frost, said…”Miles to go before I (we) sleep.”

George Kraemer

Judy, I agree with your sentiments but from my point of view this approach can lead to further division as well in that many Jews don’t know quite which way to go. Is the route Trinitarian or Monotheistic? Are they going forward or backwards? I have seen them in both and I know which one I prefer.

Judi Baldwin

Hi George…I’m not sure we will ever be able to prove (100%) the Trinitarian vs Unitarian debate this side of eternity. We might feel strongly and fairly certain one way or the other, but I’m starting to wonder if we’re going to have to wait for that 100% number until YHWH fully reveals to us His relationship/connection to Yeshua, when we meet Him face to face.

George Kraemer

Judi, you are probably right, but that doesnt mean we shouldnt be prepared to reverse course when we consider all things on the basis of probablility instead of the absolute.


I think that Christian theology requires a somewhat schizophrenic mindset… Yeshua lives and dies as a Jew but is resurrected as Jesus the universal Christ figure, completely devoid of Jewish trappings, including his Messiahship. Thus even being informed that Christ/Christos is simply the Greek word for Messiah, most Christians I know still prefer to call him Christ. The God-man is certainly not Jewish any more, and Hebraic understandings become irrelevant.


Christian theology is completely Greek / Hellenistic not bi-polar. On the other hand Judaism has multiple personalities: Purportedly rooted Hebraic but cultivated Hellenistic. The “God-man” was never Jewish… He is Heavenish.
The truth is that there were no Jews (whatever modern definition you use – and there are many) in the first century: The genetic makeup of The Land were Yahudim; Levites; Lost tribes (sheep) of the House of Israel; Gentiles. Yashua was none of these, He was not from human substance (John 3:13,31).


Your movie clip from DiCaprio is so on point. Another comment on John MacArthur, I remember years ago him saying that no one has the Holy Spirit and the gifts because if they were available, he would be the first one to receive.


“Todays word” is like playing watching Tiger from Winnie the Pooh play “Dodge Ball”, with his coiled up tail springing around quickly bouncing to another location before he gets hit by the ball-

I wish we could call it “Kiss the Son” and live to tell about it. But Tiger is busy, he doesn’t want to be “kissed” so away he goes…..


We can’t bring another person, Christian or Jew, to salvation. All we can do is work on our own personal relationship and use the gifts we’ve been given to walk out our purpose on earth. God will take care of the rest. How else do you explain this little Christian finding her way to this website? Or how do you explain the number of Christians learning Biblical Hebrew to connect themselves more meaningfully with the OT? God’s working all of this for good, according to His plan. We simply aren’t powerful enough to stop His work through us.

Rich Pease

God knows us all like a book and in His Book He often reminds us about it!
We have a tendency to follow man’s thinking and teaching. Yeshua mentioned
this to certain Pharisees and teachers. He said, “These people honor me with
their lips but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain, their teachings
are but rules taught by men.”
On another occasion Yeshua corrected man’s tendencies saying: “You are in error
because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.”
Having a real relationship with God through His Word and His power will keep us in
the light and out of the darkness of man.

Leslee Simler

In Matt 15:7-9 (quoted) Yeshua is referencing Isaiah 29:13 as he says, “Rightly did Isaiah prophecy of you…” He also is speaking of Eze 33:31 and Ps 78:36-37. We have three Tanakh witnesses who saw that day. And dare I say this one as well?


I’ll sit this one out. Instead I offer some much needed humor—at John McArthur’s expense. Since I very much disagree with his stance on spiritual gifts (but also the excesses associated with some on the other side of the issue)—and I’m sure most on here will concur—here’s an article (satire) on McArthur’s solution to Pentecostals: MacArthur To Build Wall To Keep Charismatics Out

babylonbee dot com/news/macarthur-build-wall-keep-charismatics/

And guess who’s gonna pay for it!

More pertinent to this TW, is the following: Belief That All Three Members Of DC Talk Are One Person Condemned As Heresy:

babylonbee dot com/news/belief-three-members-dc-talk-one-person-condemned-heresy/

McArthur weighs in on the matter.

LaVaye Billings

Craig, I had to smile at your humor–at John MacArthur’s expense–this nearing 85 year old lady, and her husband (who departed this world 4 years ago–we were married 61 years) awakened to him in Houston radio program for about 30 years! Well, as the years went on, and we studied the Bible, and our Southern Baptist Church then, did not agree with a lot of his teachings; we dug down deeper in many studies, different versions and visited many teachers that came through Houston, we began to dislike his ATTITUDE AND TEACHING METHOD. YES. HE HIT PENTECOSTALS HARD AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR, AND PERSONALLY IT MADE me happy to recall his life, preaching, AND YOUR HUMOR HIT CORRECTLY IN MY THOUGHTS. SKIPS’ teachings all these years and his attitude the past few years has made me appreciate him even more. For years we thought the Southern Baptist Church was the only way to heaven, and our eyes were opened to the truth of that! The Heavenly Father has a way of letting all us know, that now, IN THIS WORLD, no one has perfect doctrine, or A PERFECT life. Sooner or later THE CREATOR will hit US hard! and WE WILL REPENT & KEEP ON SEEING HOW MUCH WE HAVE TOTALLY MISSED THE MARK.