Part of the Picture

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” Genesis 1:26-27 NASB

Rule– There are two important verbs that are translated “rule” or “have dominion.”  They are not the same.  One is rādâ.  The other is māšal.  The one in this sentence is the former, rādâ.  It is typically limited to human action rather than divine governance.  In this case, it is assigned, limited authority.  The actual power is God’s, but He has granted dominion to human beings as a manifestation of His image.  On the other hand, māšal seems to be about authority that is inherent in the position or status of the object described.  For example, in Genesis 1:16 the sun and the moon “rule” over the day and night.  Their positions as luminaries entail their dominion.  When the term is used of Joseph, it is his position elevated to the second in the Egyptian Kingdom that gives him authority.  We might say that rādâ is temporary, permitted, representational authority while māšal is authority that is included within the position or office held.

In Genesis 1:26-27, the use of rādâ is important.  It suggests that even though human beings have been granted authority over certain aspects of God’s creation, they are not independent of it.  There authority is not due to their status as human beings.  It is distributed authority since the real authority resides in God Himself.  Human beings are embedded in the world that God created.   They are part of the whole, even if they temporarily enjoy a privileged role.  This biblical point-of-view implies a deep connection between humans and the world they occupy.  That interconnectivity can be treated in two radically different ways.  First, it can lead to the mistaken conclusion that the world is there for our benefit.  It is to be used to satisfy our needs.  This conclusion misunderstands the purpose of rādâ. We are to be stewards of our embedded condition, not exploiters.

But there is another equally mistaken deduction. “If the individual regards the external world merely as something to which he has to adapt, rather than as something in which his subjectivity can find fulfillment, his individuality disappears and his life becomes meaningless or futile.”[1]  Exploitation of the world leads to self-absorded domination, but viewing the world as an intractable, opposing force is just as damaging.  It leads to meaninglessness.  Either choice destroys biblical interaction with the creation.

It is important to recognize that both of these mistakes are part of our Western culture and are significant, detrimental influences in our relationship with nature.  The Bible portrays Man as God’s elected steward.  Today we think of Man as either exploiter or victim.  This fundamental disconnection generates sin in either direction.

Topical Index: māšal, rādâ, rule, take dominion, authority, nature, Genesis 1:26-27

[1]Anthony Storr, Solitude: A Return to the Self, p. 72.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT:  Due to the probability of Hurricane Florence hitting Virginia, the Virginia Beach conference scheduled for this coming weekend (Sept 13-15) has been postponed to December 6-8.  

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Laurita Hayes

“Today we think of Man as either exploiter or victim. This fundamental disconnection generates sin in either direction.” This a horrifically sad summation for me. The resulting fallout of this classic dialectic ensures we not only seek that exploitation as our ‘right’ (as in, who is stopping us) in the power grab of our approach to how we interact with the earth in mining, agriculture, and ‘use’ of resources of all sorts, to the victimization that abuse subsequently leaves us with in the form of diseases and shortages of the necessities of life for vast numbers of us. We seem highly resistant to being able to draw inference from cause (exploitation and greed) to effect (victimization) here!

I believe there is a clear call beginning to sound for those who can hear – I do mean those of us who are tired of suffering as victims to that disease, “meaninglessness” and poverty of soul, spirit and body resulting from our fundamental disobedience to the “rada” we were commissioned to enact.

As I read and ponder Genesis, I am led to repent for neglecting my portion of that stewardship and participating in the collective sin of the planet; both the exploitation end as well as the helpless victim end. I have to quit standing in both lines and start asking what a real steward would do in this place, as well as how to take back responsibility for my life and the life around me instead of just accepting ‘fate’ as a victim; whether of disease or of environment.

The planet is in a desperate state, but I believe even now (especially now!) we are called (and so therefore equipped!) to meet the sin of disobedience to stewardship with a firm and decided ANSWER all the world can see and benefit from. As stewards, I believe we are called to stand at the front of this pack, and not be hanging out in the back of it, hoping for crumbs. For example: this morning I woke up praying for an answer to fire ants – a real deal killer for people in the South to be able to grow their own food. Who is willing to pray with me? Thank you!

Lucille Champion

Oh those nasty, angry, stinging ants (little as they are) not only destroy vegetation they are known to kill full grown cattle too. For as long as I lived in Texas (many generations now), it’s a battle of power and might. They have the population and endurance. Man has his brain and skill. No competition there. Fire ants have plagued farmers and ranchers for as long as the stories are told. What to do? Chemicals work for a short time then those enduring critters adapt. So what did those age old remedies look like? Here in the wilderness where I live we discuss ‘sneak’ attacks on those chocolate mounds loaded with millions of angry devouring fire ants. GRITS. say what? GRITS. Not the man inflicted instant ones… nope. Use the regular ones. Cheap, plentiful and they work. Fire ants carry them down to the queen, she eats/nibbles them, drinks a bit of water… ah ha! she explodes (sorta). Colony dies off… slowly but they do disappear from plain sight. Must be a dry day… water/rain negates it all. So we keep a box of grits on hand… in the house, in the shed… ready to commit a ‘sneak attack’ whenever/wherever possible. Oh, almost forgot. Borax to dust around your pantry/bath/etc. Dries them out. Ugh!!! Fun days on the farm! Prayers for those who produce our food… farmers and ranchers. We have received over 10 in of rain in the past 5 days… for this community, we are blessed abundantly! Shalom and glory to Yah!!!

John Offutt

Looks like you got 3 people to agree to pray with you about fire ants. I really like Lucille’s solution because it is so simple. I am going to investigate Seekers solution for long term control. One more solution. Mix Talstar (8% biphen which is a pyrethrum) in water and add some borax to it for an overnight kill. Soak a stick in the solution and punch it to the bottom of the mound. Spray lightly around the top of the mound depending on how irritated you are. We have had some of the rain Lucille spoke of and I noticed yesterday that new mounds were blooming in my garden and yard. On a somewhat related subject, we have hardly any yellow jackets this year and if you find any they are not aggressive. I am very allergic to the stings, so I look for them this time of year. All species of bees seem to be in serious decline.


John Offutt,

Good morning. Speaking of bees, we have seen a large population of the humble bumbles this year. I do agree though bees seem to be in decline, and that they have lost some of their aggressiveness. I have noticed with the wasps over the last few years that they seem to be lethargic and not so willing to engage and attack when you are in their space. I am in agreement to pray for Laurita, and rejoicing with Lucille over the much needed rain!

YHVH is King!


Diatomaceous Earth (DE). It is a natural insect dust that work on crawling insects. Make sure you get the human/pet grade…NOT the one used for swimming pools. I get mine from (good place for education on the product) or St Gabriel Organics. You can put it on your pets to kill flees.

Rich Pease

“Does anybody know what time it is?
Does anybody care?” (Song from Chicago)
God cares for us to know that eternity should be our
priority while we’re here visiting in time. If we keep our eyes
not on what is seen but what is unseen, we’ll find ourselves far
more capable of “seeing” things the way God does.
Man has no greater and more grateful task than to be earth’s
temporary guardian, as we do so knowing He’s literally with us in
every move we make.
Imagine what a difference might exist on earth if every “follower”
of Christ actually and truly used their eyes of knowing as God intends . . .

Lucille Champion

Skip writes… “The Bible portrays Man as God’s elected steward. Today we think of Man as either exploiter or victim. This fundamental disconnection generates sin in either direction.” Just the words “God’s elected steward” snatches my thoughts to an unseen realm which opposes my life long worldly teachings grounded as reality, the five senses, living the physical.

Taking the word ‘elected’ or ‘elect’ projects the ‘setting apart’; ‘royal priesthood’; ‘your body is a temple’ words I read in scripture. Not just in the NT, but also in OT and all those ‘forbidden texts/scrolls’ we have been warned not to read as well as anything outside of ‘approved’ material, and on and on.

“God’s elect” comes right out of 1 Enoch and stretches throughout all scripture in ‘subtle’ as well as ‘in your face’ language. Who are the elect? Special envoy on earth? And then there’s the Elect One in 1 Enoch. chapter 45. Different elect one? Seems like it. Elected for what and by who? Don’t forget to add 4 Ezra chapter 7… “and this is the condition of the battle which man was born upon the earth shall fight”. That frankly startled me (ok, hair on fire again) for many days. Consumed me. What did that mean? Exploiter? Victim?

If God’s elect are chosen/appointed/set apart… how do I qualify? or not. I want to know more about the ‘filtering’ system of God. So, I keep reading. God will speak to me in many ways and forms.. I remain open to his messengers.


So we are the alpha living creature, can this really be true? That is a direct assigned responsibilty over everything else except a fellow human as Skip once reminded us.
Skip I have ecperienced this rule over mandate differently. As a young man we did our survival camps in the Kruger National Park. That is where the wild life in South Africa are still wild…
Not once did the lions and cheetahs etc attack humans in my 4 months period in the park.
Living amongst the predators and giants made us humble when we began to realise in their natural habitat we are no threat for them as their survival instink made them no threat for us.
Waking up under the stars with lions literally drinking at the river not even 5 metres away from you. Ending up amongst a herd of over 36 elephants from infants to great great grand mothers leading the herd. Walking touching distance past you. And many more such experiences all gave a new meaning to this scripture meaning of rule.
Leave nature were it belongs and do not restrict it and it will leave you alone. That is how I understand this rule.
Yes even watching a bull elephant mourn the death of a human being he accidently trod on for 7 days is amazing. Very few humans even moutn other humans death this way…
We humans have failed this stewardship the rest of the creation is still respecting it but is becoming intolerable towards us…
Do not try to kill off. Seek the natural repellant for the fire ants and plant these among your crop and you may enjoy a good harvest. It is worth the try.
Rule over everything by respecting its purpose and intent in life and we may still experience the lamb next to the lion. The human not being bothered by gritters and such insects. That is how God created it we need to respect it as such.
A closing thought God made everything else before humans as they are there to provide in the survival needs of himans as well as the creation answers to humans as we lead and rule over them in humbleness. The Chinees refer to it as the Tau of leadership. Leading and ruling from behind in mutual respect and trust…
Why do we as humans think this ruling is about getting rid of…

Laurita Hayes

Thank you, Seeker. I learned trust from the wild creatures, too. I am seeking to correct the imbalance I believe the ants are currently filling in. Restoration of balance – shalom – is the name of this game. Finger right on the heart of it! I am jealous of your experience!


A number of organisms kill fire ant
queens and workers. These include dragonflies, other ants, and some types of birds, lizards, spiders, and toads. Animals, such as armadillos,
that eat ants may disturb mounds and eat some workers, but are not effective in controlling the
ants. But preserving and encouraging native ant species that compete with the fire ant for ter-
ritory and resources is beneficial… From a leaflet I downloaded… Biodiversity seems to be the answer.

Laurita it was a frightening experience for two months. Then that connection started. Seems like the secret was cleaning our mindset from human uninformedness…

I thank God for that once in a life experience. How it will be again after 35 years no one knows…

Ps. I still fear dogs after a very traumatic experience as a 5 year old, although they have a tendency to approach me easy…

Dawn McL

What a wonderful way you tell your story. I can picture being among the animals! Would love to have that experience. I so agree and wonder why we tend to think ruling is about getting rid of…
This even translates to plants. So many farmers here in the States have this mindset to eliminate plants they don’t want growing in their crops! Has made a lot of problems that don’t need to be!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts 🙂


Thank you Dawn.
As for flowers I do not read of weeds on the creation story… I have come to appreciate the green and coloutful weeds in the dry winters. And has me thinking if that was not their purpose to provide green and oxygen in these dry seasons. Just my 2c and have not researched any further.


A “weed” is only a plant growing where a person doesn’t want it! That means even a tomato or some beautiful flower can be a weed depending on ones point of view! God created them all and all have their places and uses 🙂

Luz Lowthorp

For what I see, this passage was written as the ideal of G-d for mankind (before the fall). Man was created in the likeness of G-d to have control on the creation, in the same way that Yahweh has control on us. At that point being responsible in the “ruling” process, was the expectation. But, after the fall, man was covered with skin (We were just like plasma/matter?) and with skin the senses started to work; making hard for humans to control its own flesh, mind, desires.
Disconnection from G-d = Sin.
No balance breaks the homeostasis, diseases corrupt the body, that is corrupted by the mind that can’t control the senses and the emotions…all in a downfall spiral that brings humanity to the current state… just a thought.

Lucille Champion

Luz, I can follow your thoughts… interesting. I was “all over”/attempting to understand plasma/matter relating to energy/light most of yesterday. The effects on the mindbody/brain/neurons is overwhelming. Then I searched the scriptures/text/etc. once again and made some amazing connections. What I thought I knew from putting this together way back when has taken a deeper/meatier meaning. Guess I was ready to learn more about the cosmos… thinking I need more neurons! Shalom sister

Luz Lowthorp

Until Genesis 2:25 we were ok, it wasn’t until Genesis 3 that things started to be complicated. This verse is Gen 1-26 when things were kind of “pure”, there was a good guy to take care of the garden and a great girl to be complete the picture, what could go wrong?….

Lucille Champion

My lingering, unanswered question… with all the inferences that we shall be like the angels.. no need to marry, have children, etc. PLUS the creation of Adam to be in Yah’s image/likeness PLUS we are in temporary/non permanent quarters/earth… I ask for my own understanding “why Huah?” Wasn’t fellowship with Yah enough for Adam? Did Adam ‘desire/want’ a companion. Was Huah taken from Adam’s body… Adam’s creation to meet his desire? How does this all fit in with 1 Enoch (story of great significance for me) describing what I read as “before the foundation of the world”. Add this to the narrative of the Kingdom of YHVH and for me, the answers maybe intended to bring me into maturity/fullness… as the seven spirits of Yah are discussed in Isaiah. Still asking, always seeking and when needed I knock…

Luz Lowthorp

I am reading your books and watching your videos, I love them!I am not suggesting things were perfect , I just said “kind of” 🙂