The Mathematician in Our Midst
Some of you are privileged to know John Adam. He regularly attends the conferences in Virginia Beach. He is a mathematician and teaches at Old Dominion University. His passion is mathematics in nature. Here are two short videos that explore this theme in ways that will enthrall you.
These videos are available through the Old Dominion web site
Then scroll down the page to the left bottom where you see the rainbow and choose the episodes named “Nature’s Mathematics”
and the next time you see John, you can thank him in person.
Wonderfully wondrous. The God of Nature and the nature of God. Thank you John and thank you YHWH.
Thank you, John (and Skip!). One day I will have a whole row of your work, it is so marvelous. I am a huge fan of looking for the Creator in His creation. Thank you for scratching my favorite itch!
Thank you, John! This is fascinating, and a subject I often discuss with my grandchildren. It also makes me stop and consider the basic idea that “Form Follows Function,” which is (mentally) followed with, “Why?”
“Awareness of the divine begins with wonder.” – Heschel
I am grateful to Skip for posting these and for the encouraging comments. Thank you.
, I think you can get a subscription to curiositystream for about $12 a year. They have an amazing set of videos covering all sorts of scientific and historical topics. It’s like Netflix for nerds!
It was Johannes Kepler who declared that, in a wonderful way, he was privileged to “Think God’s thoughts after Him”. Though I’m certainly not a Kepler clone, having been at the bottom of my algebra class when I was 14 years old :-), I’m thankful for the opportunity I was given recently to share some of the beauty of God’s creation to a wider audience with these 12-minute videos on Nature’s Mathematics. The company – Curiosity Stream – did a fantastic job putting this together, and if you enjoy them, please feel free to share the link especially with young people who may be turned off mathematics (or more importantly, God, because although these are about science and mathematics, we all know who the Author is!)
And by the way, I have no financial gain and saying this, since they paid my travel and expenses, but no fees were involved
Awesome, really encouraging!!! My teenager son dreamed to be a scientific, he spends hours studying patterns in nature, until this his Jr year where he is at the bottom of physics and chemistry…Now he has no clue what he is going to study
Thank you for sharing your knowledge in this videos; it is a blessing at this point of his life ??????
Amazing. i have always had a love/hate relationship with mat.
emphasis on hate.
Really cool! Thank you John and Skip!
Please., John Adam, count me in on being a student you have taught to have a curiosity…. I have had the book “Patterns in Nature” for some time and now am able to put them together. Bless you- that was fantastic!!!
The structure of pattern, its reliability, and organization speaks to me to the wilderness – davar – the place to experience the organization of God. The place of the circle in scripture. The Pythagoreans, the 3-4-5 triangle, Fibonacci and its role in optic center, the unit one, the specific vector of rectangles – the golden rectangle for example, the prediction of planetary existence, Mandelbrot, movies like The Wrath of Khan using fractal geometry, the movie Volcano, and on it goes. The Passover Seder.
And it all speaks to the Creator.
Thank you John for these wonderful videos. My love for our incredible creator grows and grows. When the going can be challenging, a walk in nature with eyes wide open is a wonderful tonic and all the senses are touched by the patterns and sheer beauty of it all!
The love of what you discover shows in your eyes Im sure your students are enthralled.
Blessings on your work
Thank you Christine!