Tuscania, Italy

For hundreds of years, the Good Friday procession commemorating the death of Jesus has been an important religious ritual in Tuscania, a small medieval city in Italy.  Attended mostly by the local citizens, this Friday I was once again in the crowd.  This time I noticed several important things.  First, at the end of the parade was the large statue of Mary and Jesus.  As it passed by, people cheered while the priest utters prayers to Mary for peace in the world.  There was, as far as I could tell, no mention of the Christ, and it was clear from the shouts of the people that Mary was the center of attention.  Secondly, I notice in my photo that Mary is the one represented as suffering.  You will see the seven swords piercing her heart.  Finally, I asked my high school classes if they would be going to church on Easter.  Not a single one said yes.  I wonder what will happen to rituals like this in twenty years.

Here are the photos.

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George Kraemer

Republicans worship at the alter of the Trump Power Tower but seldom stay there when they have to do so on their dime. They pray for the “suffering” Trump’s imminent return but never but never do so using the words; “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. 

Many, (most?) claim to be democratic Christians even while they gerrymander the vote.

Hmmm. George Kraemer