It’s Coming

Spring, that is.

Rachel leaves for boot camp.  A new season in life will soon begin for her.  And for the rest of us, the promise of Spring.

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This will be Rachel’s opportunity to conquer fears and preconceived physical and mental road blocks. The days will be long, full of linear physical and mental stress but she will prevail… you raised a very thoughtful and intelligent young woman in Rachel. In 8 weeks she will like her reflection in the mirror a whole lot more.

Ellen McFarland

What a lovely picture and a perfect way to usher in Rachel’s departure. There are no colors in life that can compare to God’s handiwork.

This is awesome!

Diane Alvarez

My son James is also leaving for boot camp today. Air Force? San Antonio?

Gayle Johnson

Thank you for this beautiful picture. Just yesterday, I was contemplating a little excursion east of where I live. About this time of the year, before the trees have any leaves, the dogwood begins to bloom. Often it is the only thing you see when you look at a grove of barren trees. The sight always fills me with hope. This one does the same.

Prayers going up for Rachel.


My teenager growing up years was spent on my grandparents homeplace. My grandparents planted a lot of different trees during those first years, and possibly planted the pink dogwood that stood on top of the driveway! This is a good thing to remember this morning. Have been out of town the last couple days, and was not able to catch up with what has been happening here until late last evening. Please know Skip, that we will be praying for Rachel.


I felt the same thing as Gayle did when I saw this picture. HOPE ! So beautiful
Praying for Rachel’s new journey

Carolyn Camfield

May the Lord bless and keep Rachel in His arms and strengthen her in spirit, soul , mind and body for His glory and her preservation.