Colorado River

I have been OUT OF CONTACT for a few days.  This is one of the reasons why.  I’ll be back commenting and etc. tomorrow.

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Nice picture! Hope you are not there after reading Ecclesiastes?! (hehehe); but that it has been a spiritual discovery trip, or (even better) a resting/contemplative day. 🙂



Makes me think of my “brother” Michael D Hallmark and our youth at play in the Colorado River

Skiing, drinking, and basking in the sun; life seemed so simple then


Spectacular indeed! Did you capture this in an helicopter or something?!???

Ronel Kleynhans

Goodday Skip, I was just wondering whether you have an email address where I could contact you. I wrote you a message on FB in February, but I guess you are really busy and therefore haven’t respond to it yet or perhaps you just haven’t received it.

I would really appreciate your inputs. I’m busy conceptualising my PhD and would like to bounce it off with someone that has great knowlegde and wisdom- especially in terms of the role of the ezer kenego.

Hoping to hear from you soon
Ronel Kleynhans (Bloemfontein, South Africa)