The First Side-Door Seduction

“who turned the grace of God into licentiousness” Jude 4 Licentiousness – Even in English we stumble over this word. Bible publishers have done their best to accommodate our standard third grade reading vocabulary (one of the reasons why I find it so difficult to get a publisher) by offering “license for immorality” or “sheer…

Jude’s Vocabulary

“For certain persons have crept in unnoticed” Jude 4 Crept in unnoticed – Jude writes like an e-mail memo. He gets right to the point. He’s brief. His words are carefully chosen. His message carries a punch. Most importantly, Jude sends out this Greek e mail to warn us. There’s a deadly virus on the…

Before the Beginning

“The gospel according to Matthew” According – Of course, you will recognize where this is found in the Bible but it doesn’t have a chapter and verse number. In the Greek text, it is merely KATA MATTAION. The words for the “gospel” are understood. We don’t think much about the title of the book of…

No Change in Direction

“Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus” Philippians 2:5 Have this attitude – You just got cheated! I don’t know how “attitude” ended up in this verse (it’s the same in the NIV), but it certainly isn’t close to the use of this Greek word in its occurrences in the Classics,…

All Together Now

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!” Psalm 133:1 Unity – The God of Community. If you’re going to live out emotional theology, you better be prepared to live it out with others. God might deal with you individually when it comes to redemption, but He will…

The Hebrew Exclamation Point

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!” Psalm 133:1 Behold – Stand up. Raise your hands to heaven and shout, “Yes, God!” Now you get the idea. David puts this Hebrew word, hinneh, right at the beginning of his thought because he wants to emphasize and intensify…

Highway to Heaven

“but the way of the righteous is made plain” Proverbs 15:19 KJV Plain – Get out the map. This is not a word about spiritual insight. It’s a surveyor’s word. The Hebrew selulah is the word for a road that is built up above the lay of the land. It is designed for easy travel…

The Margin of Free

“Freely you have received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8 Freely – If Jesus said it, it must be Aramaic, not Greek. That drives us back to the Hebrew equivalent of the Greek word dorean. We find hinnam, “undeservedly, without cause”. You can see the word in use in 2 Samuel 24:24 and Jeremiah 22:13. Goods and…

Money Muddles

“But when he came to his senses, he said” Luke 15:17 Senses – The story of the prodigal son. We need to know the literal wording here in order to really see the picture. It is “to himself he came” (eis eauton elthon). This is a place that each of us must visit if we…