Hope Haven, Ukraine: An Update

As you know, one of our readers, Amy Gomes, is responsible for the first school for handicapped children in Ukraine.  With her own funds and time, she built Hope Haven.  It now serves children in a remote area of Ukraine; children who would otherwise never go to school, never be out of the house and…

El Salvador, November 2011

I never had a chance to tell you what happened on the El Salvador trip, sponsored by Bill Asma.  In November, Bill and I went to San Salvador where I did three days of teaching.  Here are pictures of one of the classes.  Lay leaders, pastors and others attended while we talked about the difference…

Beginning Again

As we start a new Roman calendar year of exploration, it might be useful to give a short summary of what we have learned so far.  A few critical points emerge: 1.  Any approach to understanding the writings of the New Testament must recognize the thorough saturation of the Tanakh and first century Jewish beliefs…

UP go the Prices

Well, it was inevitable.  We have held prices firm from the first book on the list, but as production and shipping costs have risen, now we are going to raise prices on all my books starting January.  The increase won’t be a lot, but if you want to get one of the books you don’t…

Notice: Mexico Internet

Hi all, Until Saturday, December 18, I will have only sporadic internet service here in Mexico.  Please bear in mind that I will do my best to respond to emails and comments, but it will take a few days in between remarks. Thanks.   Skip

A Small Request

Dear Readers, My wife, Rosanne, needs to have gall bladder surgery.  We have recently discovered that she has two gall stones.  Should these move but be unable to pass through the small ducts, she would enter into a life-threatening emergency situation.  All the doctors recommend that she have her gall bladder removed – soon.  We…

Something Odd in the Cathedral

In Christ Church Cathedral in Oxford there is a tomb, the tomb of a woman.  On the side of the tomb are carved representations of several women.  But notice what has happened.  The face of each of these women has been destroyed.  I asked the curator why.  He told me that no one knows for…