Are You Interested?

It occurred to me, as I sit in my bed with my foot in a sort-of cast, that I might do an audio series while I am incapacitated.  I would simply record each day a short (less than 30 minutes) commentary on Abraham Heschel’s God In Search Of Man, a book that fundamentally altered my approach…

Recent Reads

While I am being an invalid confined to the apartment, I have had time to read, and I just finished the second of two books worth mentioning. First is William Tucker’s Marriage and Civilization (Regnery, 2014).  While you might not embrace Tucker’s early evolutionary view of the development of monogamy in animal kingdoms and pre-historical…

The Spinoza Syndrome

Spinoza was one of the world’s great philosophers.  He also happened to be Jewish.  He lived in the attic of a house in Europe while he wrote some of the most challenging thoughts about the human condition.  I am reminded of Spinoza these days, not because I am a great philosopher or even a great…

A Short Form of Retirement

Thirty minutes before the last Italy tour finished, I experienced a new form of pain.  My Achilles tendon ruptured and I fell to the floor.  The rest of the night was in the hospital.  Now I am home getting ready for surgery to repair the tendon, and looking forward to more pain and 3 to…

Road Work – the Old Way

One of the reasons Rosanne and I love Parma is that traditions affect almost every endeavor in life.  Here is a picture of the “road work” on the street in front of our apartment.  Can you imagine any place in America where a PUBLIC street would be constructed like this?  Oh, it’s such a blessing…