Malacca, Malaysia

Once a Portugese port, the Chinese came as workers–and stayed for the next 300 years.  Now dominated by Muslim Malaysia, there are still signs of the older Chinese faith.  Beautiful images among the declining core of the city, crowded out by mosques.

At the Edge of the World

Today my wife and I talked about the sadness I have been experiencing. She spoke about her concern. “How can I not be sad when my own husband is struggling so much?” she asked. I replied, “What I know is that God is dealing with wounds in my life, wounds that have been a part…

The Power of the Paradigm

I’ve been in Singapore for the last few days visiting my dear friend and collaborator, John Samuel. Some years ago John contacted me regarding the research he had collected about innate characteristics in human behavior. The result of that fortuitous encounter was the book Living in Your Zone and the subsequent refinement and expansion of…


Mike Yaconelli authored a book about the dangerous God, a God who does unpredictable things in amazing ways. YHVH elicits awe and surprise. Our experience of Him cannot be adequately reflected in the tamed theologies we construct or the dogmas we espouse. Keith Killen offers this summary of Yaconelli’s work, pointed out just how far…

What I Saw Today

The religious world of Man is alive and well in this part of the globe.  But so are the signs of His creation, all pointing to something more than golden statues. And now for some things that the One True God made for these men to enjoy.