Community Issues & Prayer Requests

Skip's Seminar in Louisiana – April 20-21

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Mar 23, 2012

I will be teaching a seminar on Biblical Leadership (and other topics) at The Gathering in Arabi, Louisiana on April 20 and 21.  All are welcome to attend.  Here is the brochure with the information.  For more information, contact Matt Woodward at

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Hope Haven Ukraine Needs Help

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Mar 12, 2012

OK, everyone.  This is why you are part of At God’s Table.  You aren’t simply readers.  You are part of a cyber-family that reaches all over the globe. In the past I told you about Amy Gomes who lives here in Florida and runs a pediatric therapy center for disabled children.  Out of her own…

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Prayer Request

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Mar 4, 2012

I got this email a few minutes ago.   Hi Skip, Here is the latest on my health. I would appreciate it if you would post this. Thanks. In His Care, Brian Health update – Through a specialized analysis, I have learned the very serious health issues I have in front of me. My endocrine system and…

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Prayer for Cyndee

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Feb 22, 2012

Cyndee Sullivan, my proofreader and a faithful supporter of Today’s Word, is in the hospital in Arizona awaiting surgery.  She has asked for prayer.  Please offer one on her behalf today.  We badly need her back in full form.

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The Other Africa

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Feb 19, 2012

The last day of my trip to South Africa, I visited some people who do not exist.  At least, until recently, they did not “officially” exist according to the government.  These are the displaced, poor White people of the country.  They live is excruciating poverty.  They receive less than $200 a month from the government.  Unlike…

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