Force Majeure

Establish my footsteps in Your word, and do not let any wrongdoing have power over me.  Psalm 119:133  NASB Any wrongdoing – Of course, this follows from the previous verse.  God’s graciousness extends to those whom He calls His own.  But things can interfere.  Customarily, followers find favor.  But even followers fall.  When the psalmist asks for God…

Make Your Choice

Let my prayer come before You; Incline Your ear to my cry!  Psalm 88:2  NASB Incline – “The 215 occurrences of this verb, excluding derivatives, are translated some thirty-five different ways in the KJV alone. The ASV and RSV add other renderings to this wide range of English expressions.”[1]  That’s not very comforting, is it?  If…

Make Your Choice

Let my prayer come before You; Incline Your ear to my cry!  Psalm 88:2  NASB Incline – “The 215 occurrences of this verb, excluding derivatives, are translated some thirty-five different ways in the KJV alone. The ASV and RSV add other renderings to this wide range of English expressions.”[1]  That’s not very comforting, is it?  If…

The Suffering Sequence

After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 1 Peter 5:10 NASB Perfect, confirm, strengthen, establish – What is the by-product of suffering a little while?  Notice that I did not write “the product of.”  Why?  Because it is not God’s purpose…

The Cure and the Warning

From the mouth of infants and nursing babes You have established strength
because of Your adversaries,
to make the enemy and the revengeful cease.  Psalm 8:2  NASB Established strength – According to Rabbi Munk, this verse teaches “that Israel’s protection from harm depends on the Torah study of its innocent children.”[1]  Don’t dismiss his comment too quickly. …

Hebrew Certainty

My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises!  Psalm 57:7  NASB Steadfast – To put it bluntly, Greek certainty is cognitive, Hebrew certainty is volitional.  In Greek thought, certainty is a function of justified true belief.  It is the attempt to determine rational, logical conclusions…

“Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus”

Do we then nullify the Law through faith?  May it never be!  On the contrary, we establish the Law.  Romans 3:31  NASB Establish – In the 1800’s Duffield and Webb combined their talents to produce a hymn that became a standard battle cry of the Christian army of saints.  I don’t know if Duffield and…

Paul of Tarsus, P.A.

Do we then nullify the Law through faith?  May it never be!  On the contrary, we establish the Law.  Romans 3:31  NASB Nullify/Establish – What in the world is Paul talking about?  Isn’t faith independent of the Law?  Doesn’t the Law simply lead us to faith?  Don’t all those rules and regulations merely point out…

Place Settings

Hate evil, love good and establish justice in the gate; . . . Amos 5:15 Establish – Amos was God’s ambassador.  He came with a burning desire to see God’s people restored.  He exhorted them to heed his warning.  There was a way of avoiding judgment, a way that required nothing more complicated than hating…

Taking A Stand

Do we nullify the Law through faith? May it never be! On the contrary, we establish the Law. Romans 3:31 Establish – Put yourself in Rome in the first century. You are part of a small group of believers. You have heard the good news of peace with God through Yeshua, the Messiah. How did…