Irene’s Birthday Cards

65 birthday cards (inside the box) were hand delivered to Irene at the homeless camp.  According to all reports, she was ecstatic!  THANK YOU ALL. My video interview with Irene can be seen on YouTube by clicking here.  It will warm your heart.


THANK YOU, all you wonderful people who sent birthday cards to Irene in South Africa.  They are on the way, hopefully to be delivered on her birthday, December 22.  There were more than 65 cards, I am quite sure the most she has ever had. YOU ARE AMAZING!  I am so proud to be part…

Update: Irene’s Birthday

During my last trip to South Africa, I had a chance to talk with Irene at her home in the White squatter camp.  The interview that I filmed will be ready to see later, but I discovered something that we can all do quickly.  Irene’s 15th birthday is 22 December.   I would like us…

UPDATE ON IRENE in South Africa

For everyone who is following the story about Irene, please read. 1.  I will be back in South Africa in about 10 days.  I am planning to see Irene and her family and do more interviews and video 2. IF YOU MADE ANY CONTRIBUTION toward Irene’s needs, PLEASE SEND ME A SMALL PICTURE OF YOURSELF…

Irene lives in Africa

Meet Irene. Irene is a 14-year-old, beautiful, blond-haired, white Afrikaner who lives with her family in a squatter-camp because in South Africa the government policies prevent her parents from working and consign her family to legalized abuse. This is the only life Irene has ever known. This is where Irene lives. They eat when there…