Truth in Context

Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures Luke 24:45 NASB Understand – When we read this verse, we’re likely to imagine some kind of mental expansion miracle. As Western believers, we automatically assume that “understand” means cognitive comprehension. Our own educational experience leads us to interpret this text as if Yeshua were preparing…

The Blind Side

Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, Luke 24:45 NASB Opened – Michael Heiser offers some very important insights into the original biblical authors’ perspectives. He helps us realize that we are constantly seduced into thinking that these men (and women) use words in the same way that we do. His refreshing look…

Closed Shop

Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, Luke 24:45 Opened Their Minds – Luke expresses the thought in a truly Greek way.  “Opened their minds” is the Greek phrase dienoizen auton ton noun.  Literally, it is “he opened up the mind of them.”  That’s interesting, isn’t it?  The pronoun (auton) is plural but…

The First Fruits of Thought

Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures,   Luke 24:45 Opened – Oh, how I wish I had been there.  These two men, walking from one village to another, encounter the greatest teacher of all time.  As they follow the dusty road, he begins to explain the Scriptures to them.  He opens their minds. …