A Case of Severe ‘yada

“And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’”  Matthew 7:23  NASB Never knew you – Rosh Hashanah is gone.  Yom Kippur is over.  The Feasts will wait for another year.  We have studied many words, examined many concepts, learned some theological truths.  There is a…


“And then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS””  Matthew 7:23 Lawlessness – Jesus quotes Psalm 6:8.  If we want to know what he means, we need to look into the Hebrew word ‘awen.  The reason that we have “lawlessness” in this verse comes from the…


“And then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS””  Matthew 7:23 Never – It’s hard to imagine a stronger announcement.  Matthew uses a Greek word that combines the idea of “not even once” with “any time” (oude and pote).  It’s an explosive statement, one that knocks…