
Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”  Genesis 3:1 NIV Serpent – Some years ago I shared a lecture session with Michael Heiser, author of The Unseen Realm: Recovering…

The gods of Antiquity

“You shall have no other gods before Me.” Exodus 20:3 NASB gods – Today I want to make some comments on Michael Heiser’s book, The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible. Heiser’s basic position is that the biblical text, including the apostolic writings, rests on cultural and religious ideas that arise from Mesopotamian…

The Blind Side

Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, Luke 24:45 NASB Opened – Michael Heiser offers some very important insights into the original biblical authors’ perspectives. He helps us realize that we are constantly seduced into thinking that these men (and women) use words in the same way that we do. His refreshing look…

Another Realm

I said, “You are gods, and all of you are sons of the Most High. Nevertheless you will die like men . . .  Psalm 82:6-7 NASB Sons of the Most High – Michael Heiser’s book, The Unseen Realm, raises a very interesting and controversial point. The biblical worldview includes another realm, a world of…