Going Back – with you

Do you remember Marta, the woman who wanted to be Naomi?  If you don’t, you need to look here.  She lives in the slums of white South Africa.  She is one of the displaced, nameless, unaccounted-for casualties of racial apartheid still present (in reverse) in South Africa.  There was no one to help her. Martin lives…

South Africa Students

Here are some pictures from the teaching sessions in South Africa.  YOU MADE THIS POSSIBLE.  I taught in many different locations.  One picture is part of the group near Cape Town.  Another picture is the teaching location in Margate.  And then there is the wonderful shot of the parking lot at the Margate airport.  I…

The Other Africa

The last day of my trip to South Africa, I visited some people who do not exist.  At least, until recently, they did not “officially” exist according to the government.  These are the displaced, poor White people of the country.  They live is excruciating poverty.  They receive less than $200 a month from the government.  Unlike…

Heading Home

Goodbye to South Africa again.  These are images that please.  In a day or two, I will speak about the other side of the coin.      

South Africa Continued

To my faithful supporters and readers, I am heading into the last week in South Africa.  Tomorrow I leave for the north, Durban, Margate, then back to Jo’berg.  The people who heard me in Cape Town area have been greatly moved receiving God’s word from an Hebraic point of view.  The talks on the Beatitudes…

South Africa Update

Just some news about the upcoming teaching tour in South Africa.  Thanks to generous donations from several readers, the ticket has been purchased and I will be back in South Africa in January 2012.  And thanks to Luzette, my schedule is packed!  We have already had to turn down invitations from 7 other locations because…