Let Me Reiterate

Save me from the mire, that I not drown.  Let me be saved from my foes and from the watery depths.  Let the waters’ current not sweep me away and let not the deep swallow me.  Psalm 69:15-16a [Hebrew Bible]  Robert Alter Save me – Back to the beginning.  The metaphor of drowning is still…

Death by Drowning

Rescue me, God, for the waters have come up to my neck.  I have sunk in the slime of the deep, and there is no place to stand.  I have entered the watery depths, and the current has swept me away.  Psalm 69:2-3 [Hebrew Bible]  Robert Alter To stand – “Wade in the water” are…

The Kingdom Attitude (2)

“He changes a wilderness into a pool of water, and a dry land into springs of water;”  Psalm 107:35  NASB Dry land– The answer to a thirsty soul is the action of God. He changes things.  I don’t go into His desert and dig a well for myself.  In His desert, I cannot survive without His response to…

In Its Cultural Context

Praise Him, highest heavens, and the waters that are above the heavens! Psalm 148:4 NASB Above – Most of the people of Western world and those that have been influenced by the Western world as far away as China are preparing for Christmas. What almost none of these people are considering is the cultural context of…