Today’s Word

Human Education

And He will judge between the nations, and will mediate for many peoples; And they will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning knives.  Nation will not lift up a sword against nation, and never again will they learn war.  Isaiah 2:4  NASB Learn war – “Giving birth to one child is…
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THE Question

How long the wicked, O LORD, how long will the wicked exult?  Psalm 94:3  Robert Alter How long – It’s the question of every age.  It’s the critical question of all theology.  It’s the torturing question of every good man and woman.  How long?  How long will the wicked get away with it?  How long…
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Eye for an Eye

Rise up, O Judge of the earth, bring down on the proud requital.  Psalm 94:2  Robert Alter Requital – The biblical idea of justice is summarized in the phrase “measure for measure.”  In legal parlance, this is lex talionis, the principle of exact retaliation or reciprocal justice.  For example, in biblical justice, if a man…
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Divinity Tamed

God of vengeance, O LORD, God of vengeance, shine forth.  Psalm 94:1  Robert Alter Vengeance – Robert Alter’s translation comes with a footnote.  “This boldly aggressive characterization of God, ‘el naqamot, which occurs only here, is fudged by the modern translations that render it in mitigating language as ‘God of retribution.’  As in many psalms…
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In Case You Missed It

On 2 July I offered a free seminar, “50 years of questions,” a personal reflection on my spiritual journey.  Here is the link for the audio or video of that session. Audio Video We are disembarking today and traveling by train back to Parma.  I’ll be back tomorrow with a new series on…
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On the Way Back Home

Today we are sailing the Amalfi Coast on the way back to Rome – and a train home after 30 days on the ship. No text investigation today.  I need some recovery time.  But I will leave you with a few citations from Jewish scholars that should encourage you to think about things. “ ….
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