Willingness (It’s NOT about money.)
I decided to transition Today’s Word from “free” to “make a commitment” after 6 years of writing — around 2200 emails, without missing a single day. This decision has caused some readers to question my motives.
This move is NOT about money. It was never about money.
It’s about willingness.
And the measure of willingness that we chose is whether or not Today’s Word is valuable enough for you to make some tangible commitment.
Some of the comments below express what I mean. But these people say it more eloquently.
Thanks for being active participants in the worldwide attempt to form community.
Carolyne wrote back today. This is what we’re all about now. Life together. Here’s what she said.
Shalom Skip,
Like many readers of Today’s Word, (regardless of whatever things were going on in our lives), the change you made created a simple choice: “is today’s word valuable enough for me to provide a financial contribution?” This is the simple question.
The question is not one of: what are Skip’s motives?” If it were about the money; is Skip not allowed to eat, clothe himself, etc.? Where in Torah do we learn that we should all benefit so much without reaching out to compensate a benefactor?
From my perspective it would seem that all of Today’s readers should just look at this change the way I did and decide first if today’s word is valuable enough to prompt a contribution. Next please consider Skip’s explanations regarding the move to a community of like minded people who minimally have put some “skin into the game”.
I could easily argue that if it were about the money …. the ox should be allowed to nourish itself …. and so forth. More importantly today’s word is valuable enough to prompt a contribution and why would I want this Ruach (spirit) filled commentary/teaching to end? Who knows how many people have been touched by Skip’s commentaries … Praise Yeshua!
Ultimately however it is not about the money. Anyone should clearly see that Skip is a man with much G_D given talent and skills. If it was about money I am sure Skip could make money, (plenty of it), if for only a short period of time he focused on making money and not providing Today’s Word and ministering to the needy as he does.
So if any readers are out there questioning Skip’s motives please reconsider …. And I would ask that you examine your own motivations and ask why you can’t or shouldn’t contribute.
Thank you for including Carolyn’s comments, I too have been set free from the grip of addiction.
I sit here weeping with joy and thanksgiving for a savior that is Alive that is able to change lives. I stumbled upon your site one day and have looked forward for each days feeding. As I have been walking this road that God has been taking me down I am amazed with wonder at His goodness. What a transformation He has wrought in many lives. I am thankful that He prompted you to make this change for it is another form of fellowship that God has opened. So I want to declare my commitment to this work in what ever little way I can. I consider this a fertile ground to plant good seed into.
Many Blessings to you Skip and all who are in this work, for I am truly falling in love with the Word and want to learn more through the revelation that the Spirit of the Living God reveals each day.
Thanks for providing this ministry each day. It is an easy way to ingest food each day instead of fluff.
In Christ,
Dear Skip:
I tried a while ago to ask you to send proof of your 501(c)(3) status because I would like to donate a larger amount to your work, but can’t do so (on a larger level) without proof of your tax-exempt status. I like others am more than willing to support your daily word on a personal level as well. I am blessed beyond (and convicted I might add) at the daily offerings of your study. Thank you for your investment in the saints of God. Let me know so I can make a deposit back to keep it coming. Thanks!
Thanks for the timely response,
Liz Hester
Liz, thanks for your support. I need your e mail address or contact info. Sorry, I can’t find it in the database although obviously you are there somewhere.
Brother Skip
Thank you for being a willing vessel!
I have a word of admonisment to those who say “it is all about the money”. Each and every time Jesus performed a miracle the recipient had to do something!! Paul also is quoted as saying “a workman is worthy of his hire. The Old Testament priests received their livlihood from the peoples’ tithes. I really don’t care if you are tax exempt or not, God owns everything anyway and if we give above our tithes it will come back through the “doctrine” sowing and reaping anyway.
In my life, when I have had to “sacrifice”, I have , through Christ attained more.
God bless You
In His service
Paul W. Sims
Liz, please use this contact form to email Skip your address (or fax number) and we’ll send 501c3 documentation for At God’s Table.
All, I am soooooooooooooo blessed to see the outpouring of support for Skip and At God’s Table. Some subscribers may have seen the YouTube video I made when I went to spend 4 days with Skip and his wife Rosanne in Orlando. If you didn’t, here it is again:
Skip and I have been working pretty much non-stop for the last 9 days to make this transition from atgodstable.com to skipmoen.com as smooth as possible. We’ve got a lot more in store — podcasts and videocasts so that you can see or hear Skip read each Today’s Word each day. (He’s much more funny in person.) But for now, we’re just trying to fix “bugs” and make sure we don’t lose anyone who really wants to be on here. Your gifts of encouragement and kind words via email or in the comments of these posts is a blessing for Skip and I.
For the record, all my work has been pro bono. (And I continue to donate $500/month because I know firsthand where it is going.
Along those lines, if you’d like to donate your time to At God’s Table in some useful way, go to the the contact form and send us an idea.
Shalom, Patrick
(Skip’s Tech Geek)
Time and effort are also key. Organizational skills. Maybe laziness, too. Every work day one of the first things I do is read “Today’s Word”. It blesses me immeasurably. I’ve been meaning to donate money to be used for the Haitian children. And I procrastinate. Most likely I’m not the only procrastinator! What is it God says about laziness? Tears are forming. Conviction. I ask you and God to forgive me.
Thank you Bro. Skip. God bless you. Abba our source.
Hey Skip.. congrats on the new website.. I’m glad we’ll be able to post and share with each other.
First a word of testimony/witness to all who take the time to read these words. I have been a reader and follower of this man for over 3 years- probably closer to 4. This man is the “real deal”. You know within your heart that G-d doesn’t use anything or anybody until He first “breaks them”. This is a man who has been and is going through “the process.” It is called santification or conformity to the image (eicon-thank you Skip) of Christ. In today’s confused world, we need clarification and definition- especially concerning the Word (consisting of words) of G-d. I have grown exponentially (I was hoping when I woke up today I would get to use the word exponentially), in my relationship to Christ and to my forever family. This is why I gladly support this endeavor. I tithe to my local church- yes, but this is a crucial and vital ministry to the (www.bodyofChrist)- this may or may not be a website, I’m just celebrating the ability to communicate to the world, especially to the bride of Christ.
I have discovered (partly due to this ministry) I am a logophile- a lover of words. Our Savior says also- “the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.” There are worlds contained within words. This man has received a commission to “feed my sheep”. We are so ignorant concerning the Word. Bless you Skip Moen for yours labours on our behalf. I pray our Father’s richest blessings on you, your mate and the mission to which G-d will assign you. As G-d wil allow I will continue to support this ministry with my prayers and further still with the resources given to me. Greetings to my “forever family”.. CYU online!!
Hi Skip,
Your emails have been one of the highlights of my day.
I will send my donation in the middle of February.
I’m happy to see the change…you deserve it.
God Bless,
Video Response from Skip {seesmic_video:{“url_thumbnail”:{“value”:”http://t.seesmic.com/thumbnail/qSAzcWscD5_th1.jpg”}”title”:{“value”:”Video Response from Skip “}”videoUri”:{“value”:”http://www.seesmic.com/video/hZWP0fZcTN”}}}
It’s really great! {seesmic_video:{“url_thumbnail”:{“value”:”http://t.seesmic.com/thumbnail/TJexnjNRuA_th1.jpg”}”title”:{“value”:”It’s really great! “}”videoUri”:{“value”:”http://www.seesmic.com/video/tIOsE2NDxY”}}}
We met you January 26th in Orlando at a conference. We purchased your book which you personally autographed for us. We really enjoyed you at the conference.
Thank you for the encourgaing words that you wrote in my book. I look forward to receiving your email teaching and will support your ministry.
I could give a long synopsis of why I can’t send you a donation, but why? I see it’s not about the money and I believe you said its about willingness to make a commitment. My family and I have struggled through in the last year with a significant loss in income. Probably to prepare us for this time of recession. I have enjoyed Today’s Word over the past years. But daily I struggle to be consistent in my walk, lead my family and question my commitment because I struggle wit giving my tithe, even though God has always been faithful. Grace and peace to you and God’s blessing on your service to Him.
Gary Patrick
Dear Gary,
I can feel and hear your struggle. Me too, my brother. I struggle every day in this long (40 years) journey with God. So, I welcome you. I am adding you today because I love those who struggle. They help me remember just how faithful God is – and how patient. I am glad to have you along.
Skip, I am working on understanding all of this, our first blogs to participate in– But this is on another line of thinking: I was truly puzzled that you kept us on the new web site, as I could not remember sending you a check in 2008, (we never give our one credit card, on line for any reason–too old to work that way!). We truly do without in many areas, to give to things the Lord shows us to minister in. So I thought maybe we had sent you a check that I just did not remember. I decided today, when I read the e-mail for a Mailing address from our former neighbor, and friend, Susan Earnest now in Oregon, asking for it, that I would check our check book for 2008. **** I just did, and there is no check duplicate, to your Organization At God’s Table. So, now, I am thinking you must have someway made note of all the very elderly people that had written you in the past. We are in awe over that! We will put a check in the mail Monday for you At God’s Table.
We truly have the money, and want to do that. We are so blessed that you kept us on. Although, we may not understand all this computer stuff. Ed is 80 years old, and I am 76 LaVaye Ed B.
Dear Dr. Moen,
Thank you for your faithfulness to send out God’s Word. I have been encouraged and inspired by your messages. I would like to make a donation to support Today’s Word. Once again, thank you for your hard work. May God bless you and your family.
Jacqueline Tran
Good Morning Skip: Bro. Moen. I was one who never replied to your notice 10 weeks ago. Much to my loss. Not being Jewish, I learned a great deal about the Jewish people, and a deeper understanding of the scriptures.
Skip, my wife and I are on a limited income after we pay our Tithe,we often don’t have much available to “Give”. We continue in our LOVE for the Jewish people and our prayers for them.
Skip do be blessed in your ministry– Shalom
Rex George
Cave Creek, Az
We will not take you off. Enjoy the community of learning and living.
Hello Skip,
I forward your message every single day to 42 people in 3 countries. I send about 1200 a month to needy people in the Philippines. I don’t know if I can take on another commitment as I cannot keep up with the ones I have like I wish I could.
God Loves You and So Do I,
It has been over a week now since I received the Day 30 message and I have to say I do miss reading such. Very much like to continue to read more and let God’s Word continues to shine on my simple mind, not able to buy any material or make a donation at this time but if you can, please keep sending me Today’s Word.
I have never considered myself an “intellectual” or one with much language skill or studying skill, so digging into the Bible in language that I do not know is definitely not natural for me. And yet every thoughts and explanation on the Hebrew meaning of the Word in the 30 days period really strike me each time and seems so simple in how such truth can and should be applied. Have shared that with others and I can only pray and trust that God’s Word will always come alive in individuals beyond human understanding and expectations. The Word is indeed alive as we meditate and dwell in it each day, letting it come through our thoughts, our speech, and our actions.
God shall continue to bless many through all that you do, because of your willingness to offer your time, ability, resources, and all that He has given you. To bring people back to God as He has called each one of us by His Grace through Jesus.
Good morning Skip
Today the 30 days receiving Today’s Word are up but since day one in my heart the decision was made to join the worldwide community but with regret I must say that since I am in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, which I’ve noticed reading about you that have visited or lived in my country, is very difficult if not impossible for me to make a pledge, order a book or make a donation. But I thank God for He in in you and govern your life because I know that I will keep receiving Today’s Word for free and as a member of the community because as you say “after all is not about money”. Thank you and God bless you
Benny de Brugal
Dear Benny,
I will be happy to keep you on the list of active readers, but here is the condition – you must share this with someone in the Dominican Republic every day that you read it. That way you are also contributing. And if ever you have the opportunity to help the whole community with some other gift, please do so.
Hi Skip,
First of all, I’d like to say thank you for sending me the articles for whole 30 days. It means a lot to me in understanding deeper our christian faith through both Greek’s view and Hebrew’s. I agree that this ministry should continue to help other people to open their view too and I wish I can contribute a donation to your ministry in serving our Lord. I am sure God will lead you to find the source of donation for this ministry. I my self still struggle with my financial condition and I pray to God to give me solutions on this financial matter and I am still manage a small business of my own. Why can not a man be rich ? and have a better life spiritually and also financially..? For this is my dream for the last 2 years. I have a dream of a good or a better christian spiritual life and a good financial life by running my own business so that I can serve the Lord by helping others to have better life both spiritually and financially just as I am. I like the readings you send me, and please keep doing the good things you send me…but I still do not find any readings in how to have a financial freedom. God loves both the poor and the rich, doesn’t He? If we can be rich why choose to be poor ? Once again thank you. Keep in touch. I live in Indonesia.
Dear Dr Moen,
I just can’t start to say how much your daily e-mails have blessed my life, and also enriched the presentation of my classes on Bible Issues.
I’m leading a small but wonderful Christian Church in a small city of Chile named Valdivia, in South America.
The anointed insight that you generously offer from your e-mails has ministered to us even living so far, via Internet.
I would really wish to be able to send some monetary support and also buy your book, ’cause your work (the 30-Daily-e-mails) is really A MAJOR A BLESSING (and I really believe that good and serious ministries as yours would be supported generously), but sadly, just by now, I live in a country where people are quite limited finnancialy -and i am one of them- so, I can’t afford it.
Even though, I can offer you something quite different but equally valuable: I have observed that your blog hasn’t an spanish option not even about some of its content, so, due I am a native spanish speaker, here is my proposal: I would offer you my FREE services for translation of your daily e-mails (or other content) into Spanish.
It would be SUCH A BLESSING for us, Spanish speakers, to be able to feed our spirits with that “heavenly-qualified-meat”… at least as a part of the options in your Web Site.
And, on the other side, It would be an honor for me to give this service as an offering, as my seed-planting in your precious ministry.
THANK YOU for those 30 precious jewels of knowledge and insight I could enjoy and let “them flow” to others.
Dear Dr Moen: At this time I cannot commit to a monthly gift. However in the future I may be able to do just that. I will send a gift when I can However I have made a commitment to Zola Levitt that I am still obligated to. I am considering sending Half to your ministry and half to Zola starting next month. I am very blessed by your teaching and I use it on my FB to help others understand the WORD of OUR LORD. Please continue to send your studies and I will send a gift soon. . .MJ ; )
Your willingness is all that matters. I will gladly send TW to you. Welcome to the community.
Shalom Skip
I will make a donation each month – cannot right now – please continue to email me todays word. Stay blessed.
Hi Skip:
Thank you for your emails, have served me well in my spiritual growth. Sorry if you do not understand me very well, but do not speak English, so to study what you send me I have to help me with a translator, and the way I write … Thanks for answering my message about what the sabbath day, I try to be stored as God intended.
Please follow me by sending your emails to me are helpful. Unfortunately I have that help financially, but learn a lot from what you write and I can share it.
God bless you …
David Rodriguez
PDTA: I write the message in Spanish if you can translate it and find their meaning.
Hola Skip:
Gracias por tus correos, me han servido mucho en mi crecimiento espiritual. Disculpa si no me se hacer entender muy bien, pero no se hablar el idioma ingles, asi que para poder estudiar lo que tu me mandas me toca ayudarme con un traductor; y de la misma manera te escribo… Gracias por responder mi mensaje referente a lo del dia de Sábado, yo trato de guardarlo segun Dios manda.
Por favor sigueme enviando tus correos, me son de gran ayuda. Lamentablemente no tengo con que ayudarte economicamente, pero aprendo mucho de lo que escribes y tambien puedo compartirlo.
Dios te bendiga…
David Rodriguez
Pdta: Te escribo el mensaje en español por si puedes traducirlo y encontrar mejor su significado.
Hola Dr Skip:
Por favor, continúame enviando los correos, quiero aprender más. Necesito aprender más.
De veras quisiera poder comprarte tu libro pero no tengo los medios económicos suficientes. Le doy gracias a Dios por que también puedo recibir instrucción más clara de su Palabra a través de ti, y a manera de don, como tú lo dices, pues no se trata de dinero, y yo quiero aprender. Me gustaría aprender el hebreo, para investigar por mí mismo, para comprender por mí mismo. Es evidente como de una traducción a otra se pierde mucho el significado y la profundidad. La cultura tan distinta también nos cambia el panorama por completo. Estoy estudiando desde que comenzaste con tu palabra diaria en hebreo. Hoy termine de analizar todas las palabras del año 2005 y mañana comenzare con las del año 2006. Pero por favor, no dejes de enviarme al correo lo que tú sabes y puedes estudiar de acuerdo a tu conocimiento pues así se perfecciona mi entendimiento: la fe es por el oír, y el oír de la palabra de Dios.
Perdóname por escribirte en castellano pero como te dije es mi lengua natal y no conozco el inglés, así que me apoyo del traductor de google para estudiar tus escritos.
Gracias por ayudarme
David Rodríguez
Shabbat Shalom!
We would LOVE to get your “Today’s Word”!
We have your book “Guardian Angel”.. LOVED it… It explained a lot about how our marriage worked so well. We couldn’t explain it until your book did for us. (the peeps around us in “church” didn’t get us at all! whew!)
We have been unemployed since June ’09. After working for the same construction company for 11 years in the Orlando area. Anyway~ since finding this new ancient path of Torah we have left all…
Long story… to say.. Is there anyway you can send us your “Today’s Word” without us sending anything at this time. We are praying for a job so we can send something. But not able to at this point.
Thanks for considering us.
Your brother & sister in Law (Torah!)
Michael & Chari
(on His mountain He gave us)
I will certainly make sure that you get Today’s Word as soon as I am back from New York City
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
We appreciate you SO much!
Blessed by YOU again~
Michael & Chari