Creation 2010
In the beginning, God created . . . Genesis 1:1
Created – Today I received an email announcement for “Creation 2010 Supercamp.” The advertisement said, “5 Fantastic Days. 14 Speakers. 20 Sessions.” Even the meals are included. But what caught my attention was the second headline. It read “Battle for the Bible.” Oops! Just a minute. Are these promoters suggesting that the issue over creation either makes or breaks the truth of the Bible? That seems to be the general idea among those who believe the Bible teaches a literal, seven day creation. Some seem to think that if they cannot prove the Bible is true on this point, then the entire biblical witness falls.
I am quite sure that the speakers will have plenty of geological, astronomical, mathematical and historical evidence. But I am not so sure that it would make any difference at all to Moses or the children of Israel. In my mind, the biggest issue of creation theory is not the scientific evidence. It is the lack of exegetical awareness. No one who first heard the Torah recounting of God’s creative activity would have worried about “Big Bang” implications or the age of the earth or the fossil record or any of the other scientific issues. Why? Because the Genesis account is an apologetic against other ancient cosmogonies. It is not a book about astrophysics. The purpose of the biblical record is to guide us to a communal and personal relationship with the Creator, not to tell us how God created. Contemporary debates about creation tend to ignore this, and as a consequence, attempt to force-fit the biblical text into an empirical scientific worldview. This is just another example of the shift to a Greek understanding of the world, in the largest possible scale.
Does the truth of Scripture rest on an argument about creationism? Does the legacy of the prophets, the history of Israel, the life of Yeshua, the resurrection and the witness of the apostles depend on an argument about the age of the Grand Canyon? The problem here once again pushes us toward a definition of truth. If we are Greek in our thinking, we will want the “one right answer,” the one that fits the requirement of correct calculation. In other words, we will define the playing field according to mathematics, the fundamental language of science. But that ignores entirely the Hebrew idea of personal, faithful reliability, where the playing field is not about numerical accuracy but rather about relationship trustworthiness. As long as believers accept the Greek rules of the game, the debates will continue. The real argument is not about the “facts.” It is about the epistemological assumptions that determine what we call the facts.
“In the beginning, God created” is a declaration of relationship. The sovereign, unique, royal, unopposed God acted in such a way that everything else came into being. This declaration establishes the relationship between God and all creation. He is supreme. He is not part of the creation. He is the only agent responsible for its being. And He loves what He made. Strain your telescopes and see if you find that anywhere in the heavens!
Topical Index: creationism, created, epistemology, Genesis 1:1
Glory!… In the beginning G-d… Yes, brother Skip… “just the facts”. In the beginning G-d.
Here is “the big bang”… “in the beginning G-d”. “For all things come of Thee of and of thine own have we given unto Thee.” He is the Source of all good things. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights in whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning.”
I have the pleasure (?) of the acquaintance of an atheist. He does not “believe” in G-d. Well then, -this is the choice he has made- “not to believe.” But, not only does he “not believe”, he also hates G-d and anything to do with G-d. He is a G-d hater. He needs a warning label attached to his shirt, “dangerous goods”.
Our Bible speaks to his condition in Psalm 14:1. The “fool” has said in his heart, “no G-d”. Yes, the “there is” is italicized. I believe the verse could be paraphrased- (everybody run!!)- The fool has said in his heart- “God, talk to the hand..” He refuses to believe. “I don’t want to.”
Another interesting phrase that bothers me tremendously is found in 2 Peter 3.5: “For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:” Did you catch that phrase- “they willingly are ignorant of?” Willingly ignorant? Come back with that?? Willingly ignorant? er..uh.. “talk to the hand..I don’t wan’t to hear the facts-in the beginning G-d.”
This is a strain on my brain.. Refusing to hear the G-d who speaks.. (amazing..)
We have the “facts” right in front of us. The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.(read Psalm 19 in it’s entirety- such a delight!). Josh Mcdowell wrote a book: “Evidence That Demands A Verdict”. Yay, Josh. He was an atheist (another G-d hater) who set out on a quest to “disprove” G-d. (lol!). Yes..- he did some searching and some researching and found.. (lo, and behold), the Truth. This stuff is real. He sold many copies of his book. Go Josh. He “proved” G-d. (lol!!).
Meanwhile (back at the ranch..), “And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.” (2 Peter 3.5). Read the book!
Remember these three words?- “It is written.” Spoken three times to who and by who? – Why?
“For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (Hebrews 4.12) Call me a “Bible thumper”, -please do. The word of G-d excites me. It causes my heart to “thump!” Our Bible is G-d’s “Blessing Book.” It is His “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth!”
“In the beginning G-d”, “in the middle (now) G-d”, and in the end.. (last ONE standing!)- G-d our Savior,Creator, Redeemer, Lover,Provider, Protector and Friend. -(excuse me.. Hallelujah!!)
Thanks for your heartfelt comment. It seems to be that one of the biggest shifts apparent in the Church is the shift from a prophetic legacy to a rational epistemology. Israel depended on a history of revelation of God’s words through the prophets. God spoke to Israel through men of His choosing and Israel accepted the place of the prophet in its understanding of God. Once the Church moved toward a Greek epistemology where the individual man was the center of understanding, believers shifted their focus from the words revealed by the prophets to what the written words mean to me, the individual. This loss pushes us away from the role of revelation toward an epistemology that is limited to canonized texts and dogma. As a result, we often forget that the biblical record is a progressive revelation of God’s self-disclosure. We treat is as if it is a compendium of “facts” about the world and about God.
-the biblical record is a progressive revelation of God’s self-disclosure.-
“progressive revelation.” For right now.. I’l just add my 2 cent amen and a thousand dollar hallelujah!
-the center of understanding-
Amen again brother Skip, we are not man-centered, and man is far from the measure of all things. We are not either church-centered, Christian-centered, or creed centered. Christ is the center, the content, the compass and the circumference. “Christ is all-and in you all.” The Bible is our Him-book.
Seems to me that the ultimate shift in the epistemological construct happened in Genesis 3….which is why, throughout the entire body of Scriptures, the “wise” man bows to God and His self-disclosure rather than seeks to explain God and His self-disclosure…It is an issue of foundations and priorities for me. Which means that I begin with both the known (revealed) and unknown (revealed but mysterious) self-disclosures of God first and then look at science and these other “studies of knowledge” to see if they bow to this God rather than having God somehow have to bow to it.
It all comes down to relationship. Do we trust Him? Are we willing to allow Him to call the shots and let Him “reveal” Himself to us on His terms (He will anyway) or have we become so arrogant and self centered that we need to “prove” that God and what He has created is true.
Should we spend time arguing Greek facts or spend time in “waiting”, allowing Him to reveal to us His Glory? If I argue/debate with someone even if I can prove my case with genuine and acurate sceintific proof and reasoning, do I really prove my case to anyone? Those that just don;t believe will not believe no matter what. Those that want to believe may now have the “facts” but they still sit there and wonder why their life is a mess and regardless of the “facts” they still hurt.
So wouldn’t it be more sensible to win hearts with obedience and faith actions rather than proving facts. I am tired of arguing…I want to now learn to obey more and do more, allowing Him to use me to show He is real…rather than me using Him to try and prove that He is real. (Hope that makes sense.”
For now I seek to simply, “Wait patiently and know that He IS God.”
Lord, reveal yourself to me and all that seek to come into a deeper relationship with you.
yes, dear brother.. as His word states: “be still, and know that I am G-d.” (Psalm 46.10)
Only when G-d cut my legs off (figuratively) and I was “forced” by an unseen hand into “waiting upon the LORD” and seeking Him with my “whole heart”- did I (begin) to know how to pray. If I was to say “the way up is down” would that make any “sense?” (His ways are NOT are ways..)
Ah … epistemology …. my favorite word … NOT! LOL
We are told consistently by THE WORD that the knowledge of this old and dying world order is foolishness … yes? Yet we constantly concern ourselves attempting to understand the nature and origin of human knowledge. Epistemology basically asks the question “How do we know what we know?”
I agree with you brother Skip … the epistemological trap (in the religious communities) that has been created presupposes the sum total of knowledge resides within THE WORD …. while not taking into account some very key facts:
1) faith, heart attitude, Spiritual in-dwelling and grace determine how well and when an individual can actually see with eyes and hear with ears (one simply can not download the truth … it is not about mental cognition);
2) THE WORD is not a gift which is subject to our relative personal or group determinations …. (hence the thousands upon thousands of proliferating Christian Denominations)
3) THE WORD is given to the world not to answer all of our questions but to provide healing, reconciliation, hope and the expectations for remaining in relationship (covenant) with ELOHIM (HE tells us enough so that we can make no excuses)
…. oye … I am rambling …. its just that the entire epistemology gig gets me way riled up!
Drew…I totally agree. You stated it very elequently and precisely. I sometimes feel that working with youth and kids for as long as I have, I have lost the ability to communicate effectively.
The other day my 12 year old daughter and 9 year old son and I were having a discussion.
I mentioned to them that sometimes the greatest thing about G-d is that the closer we get to him and the more answers He gives us the more questions we have. After she wrinkled her eyebrows with a puzzled look and he said “UH? That doesn’t make sense.” I said that God is like an everlasting gobstopper…you put it in your mouth and start to enjoy the wonderful burst of flavors and as you continue to suck on it it gives you more and more different flavors and experiences but it never gets smaller. You never get closer to the center but you don;t mind because you are enjoying the the experience so much. With this my son said “Oh…now I get it.”
I’ve got to start hanging around adults more.
Tim … what a wonderful explanation you provided to the children … I really, really like it!
My boys are 23 and 20 … while I should have been mentoring them correctly I was wallowing in the separation and despair of my own making (fueled by my own Greek Mind Set). The problems I face now is that the thought processes (Greek Mind Set) are so ingrained in my lads that it is extremely difficult for us to communicate effectively. Our perspectives are so far apart at times it is quite distressing.
I know that you cherish the time and conversations with your children … and because you do I am hopeful for the future …. why … because they are children of the Body Of Mashiach … children of Israel!
I will never abandon hope for my own lads of course but it gladdens my heart to hear a recounting of a simple but wonderful conversation between father and children!
Thanks for sharing brother! … Shalom
Tim.. love that analogy! “an everlasting gobstopper!” I think that is “da bomb!” I was thinking an “everlasting onion” with layers underneath layers but I like the “flavors of the gobstopper” analogy much better! lol!! – I’ll be sharing this one with my kids.. thanx! Our G-d is an AWESOME G-d!!
Thank you Father for Skip’s sanity! Skip, every evening I can’t wait to listen to your Genesis series. Wow, what a story when you learn to take the time to read between the lines!
Everyone, this series, if you haven’t listened, is a must for moving away from the Greek mindset.
What a breath of fresh air this is! Thank you so much…
It is so funny how you always seem to hit the nail on the head with the subjects I deal with so often. My husband is Catholic and is always trying to convince me to beleive in evolution. I have told him several times that I don’t care how God made it, I just know he did, and no one is going to convince me that all this wonder just came to be after a “Big Bang”. My heart tells me that how it was done is far beyond what we coud understand, so rather than confuse us, He tells us simply that He created everything. In my mind, that is all I need to know.
HAHAhahaha!!!! I love this post! Freedom, Joy…Hallelujah!