Prayer Request
This message is from one of our community names Monica:
Please, can I ask you to pray for my son? Jordan is twenty years old and lives at home with us. He has had many health problems in his life and is dealing with some new ones at present. He has TMJ, which has not been dealt with medically yet and some other symptoms, which lead us to check the possiblity of either a pituitary or adrenal tumor or disease related to this other set of symptoms. He has celiac disease, so of course, we already are dealing with that.
If I could ask on more request? My mother has a host of very serious health issues and her kidneys have almost stopped functioning (she is diabetic and in stage 3 kidney failure). She had two stents put in her heart about two weeks ago and has issues with lung function, and has COPD and the beginnings of Alzheimer’s Disease, among other things.
We are dealing with extreme stress at this point .My own health is another story. It is a very long story, but our entire family is not in good health. It is starting to take its tole on my emotional state and my marriage. I feel like I am dying on the vine. I go to a Bible study weekly, and to church, but I am told the Bible study is not the place for prayer requests. I know people are busy and it takes time to pray. Please forgive me if this isn’t the place either, but I don’t know where else to turn. I really have no friends in the community we have lived in for more than 26 years. I know the Lord is with us and He hears our cries, but I just need some kind of prayer. I am tired of this battle right now. I am so weary. Thank you for listening.
Peter…Peter of all people …Peter now transformed by God’s Holy Spirit speaks in Acts 10:38 of “how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good and HEALING ALL who were oppressed of the devil; for God was with HIM.” Skip, there is no distance in prayer and I am praying that right now you, your mother and son, would all experience the healing touch of Jesus and be healed. Remember (despite what your eyes are saying to you) by HIS stripes, you ARE healed. Remember too that GOD – OUR GOD – wants you well. I am praying for a supernatural healing for you and family. And I am thanking HIM that He has heard me. I give HIM all the glory and praise and thanks, in the name of Jesus.
(Tired as you are, Skip, do not give up. Do not doubt. In the fire, in the waters, HE IS WITH YOU)
Hi Harry,
Your prayers are certainly welcomed but Monica is the one asking, not me. I am sure God sorted it all out.
Hi Monica,
As a fellow reader here, I will continue to keep you and your family in prayer. May the Lord touch each one of you, Jordan, your mother, your husband, and your self with His Love. I would like to say a quick prayer for your right now, Monica. “Dear Lord, good morning. Right now I pray for Monica and the many health needs of her family. Oh Lord, embrace her with your Love. Give her the daily mental and physical strength to deal with each situation. Lord she is tired, help her trust in You be encouraged by knowing your faithfulness. Lord I pray for her emotional strength, thou she is weary, give her hope that you are always there with her. Help her to see that even though all this is taking a toll on every part of her life, that you will never leave her or forsake her. Give her great confidence in You and Your Word. Help her to know that there are others who are praying for her. In Your precious name Lord. Amen” Monica, I will share your request with our Prayer Net at church. It is a ministry where all though we do not physically meet with one another to prayer, we hand in prayer requests, via telephone, slipping in a card in the prayer box at church, emailing it in to through email to the person in charge of the Prayer Net, or by writing it on the Prayer Request Sheet to be photo copied and distributed to all who attend our weekly Women’s Bible Study. That way, even though we don’t “meet to pray” we all have the requests and are praying for one another during the week. Monica, be encouraged. There are many who will be praying for you, also. In His Love, Linda
Definitely praying! Be encouraged that many will stand with you, to fight alongside you. I pray, too, that you will find a Bible Study where your requests aren’t rejected and where you will find friends and support. Even if you do not find it at home, you can find it here.
I am told that Shalom encompasses more than peace, and so I pray Shalom for you and your family.
Monica, I am sending lots of love and prayers your way.
I am amazed that a Bible study would say that this is “not” the place to share prayer and needs. God’s body is definitely a place where we can come and freely ask for help without shame and shunning. No wonder you feel like you are dying on the vine. You have a lot going on in your family and you need us to support you and pray for you!
I have recently been attending a church in Seminole (don’t know where you live) where we spent the whole Bible study a few weeks go sharing needs and praying.
Monica, it seems as if you are under a lot of attack and it shocks me that this church is shunning you in your time of need. It may be time to find another church where love can envelope you and ease your burden.
I will pray for your son, your mother and for you for a mighty healing in your family and also for a new church where you can get fed and raised up without shame and insult.
You need support from the body so that you won’t feel like you are dying on the vine alone and forsaken.
May the Lord strengthen you and lift your burdens and send a big dose of love and comfort! You’ve come to the right place here for this body has helped me in so many ways and I know how loving everyone here is and that has given me comfort as well.
Lots of prayers and love your way,
Ellen – I totally agree with all you have stated/typed here & thank you for encouraging Monica the way you have & I come into agreement with all you have said/typed here for Monica & her family.
Dear Monica,
‘Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God , which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus’. (Phillipians 4:6,7)
I pray that He will give you this peace!
Praying for you and your loved ones right now!
Dear Monica,
I am saddened to read your words. You have lived in isolation for a very long time. The church is indeed disappointing, so clueless when someone is hurting. Not intentionally, but the wounds caused go deep. I will be praying for you and your family.
I have gluten sensitivity as well. I know it’s going to sound like a stretch with his TMJ problems but I’m wondering if your son has tried taking Calm Magnesium ( It calms the smooth muscles in the body (including the intestinal tract), seems to help with cramping. It’s kind of an overall panacea for people with mineral deficiencies due to malabsorption. It’s good to take at bedtime with hot water as a tea. In fact, I throw in a bag of chamomile tea with it to help me relax at night. I would be happy to send you a container of it if you think Jordan would take it.
Are you aware of Body Ecology as an information resource? They deal with people who have autism spectrum disorders, address their digestive issues including celiac disease. Their products are expensive but they at least give you great information on the nutritional deficiences of celiac people and how to help them heal their gut.
Again, I’m so sorry to hear about the difficulties you are going through. Your mother’s problems alone are heartbreaking. Anything I can think to say seems insufficient in the face of your hardships. Know that you and your loved ones are being uplifted in prayer. I pray for the Holy Spirit to comfort and strengthen you all.
In Christ’s love,
I will ask our Sunday school class to pray for you and your strength. My husband has bilateral adrenal masses and the doctor told us he would live for years, and he has. He was checked for pheocromocytoma but it was not diagnosed. He has had all the symptoms over the years. I will pray for God to guide you to a very smart doctor that will work with your family. They rarely find this diagnosis and it makes it difficult for the doctors to spot.
If you can not ask for prayer in your Bible study class you are in the wrong class. I teach and we stop the class for special prayer if needed. It is all about God not us.
Monica – I will pass this on to my home group fellowship, if I may – they are great prayer warriors. We will pray for a mighty touch from God on your family.
Father, there is nothing impossible where You are concerned. We lift up our sister, Monica, to you now. Please, we ask that you bring her peace in the midst of her storm. Reassure her that YOU are there with her and her family. That through their suffering others are being brought to You. Ease their pain and bring them comfort. Holy Spirit, bring wisdom and knowledge to all those who are treating these illnesses and assisting this family at this time-doctors, nurses, aides, all. We thank You that You never leave us nor forsake us. Lord of all, we ask for healing in this family. We ask that even now you give Monica a reason to thank you, the Healer of all ills! That she will rejoice and give You praise in the midst of her trials, even through tears. Lord, may YOU receive all Glory and honor as this family goes through this most difficult time. And, Father, bring others around Monica and her family to help them and pray for them and listen to them. We love you, Jesus. Be glorified! Amen! Monica–I will continue to pray for you. Please keep us updated. God’s love and blessings to you and your family, in Jesus’ Mighty Name!
I am terribly sorry that a hail of flaming arrows have been assailing you for many years now. I don’t know the reason why you don’t have any friends in your community nor why your church isn’t receptive to prayer; however, I do know the One in Whom our faith is placed.
He is bigger than the arrows, the illness, the isolation, the sorrow. God is already aware of your needs and I will pray that God’s soothing touch exceeds your comprehension of contentment with and in His will for your life.
Further, I am praying you become receptive to friendships God places in your path… and that God reveals friends you never knew..
Monica, I will be praying for you and your family. Be courageous and don’t give up. God will work these troubles out for His glory. I had a TMJ problem and fixed it with magnesium citrate. I don’t know about the celiac thing, but the citrate versions of magnesium and calcium are better absorbed by the body than the more common oxide versions. If you can’t find them locally, you can find them on I’ve read good nutritional articles related to celiac on that site before as well. Hope this helps, and God bless you and your family.
Don’t be afraid to ask for prayer support. Whoever told you that “it was not the place” to ask for it, didn’t understood how this works. We are a community, we should care for each other, even if we are tired.
Hope He shows you some of His love through this community and be encouraged and conforted by His Spirit in these difficult times. I’ll be praying.
Father, You hear the cry of this daughter, wife & mother. She is desparate for breakthrough in any and all of these drastic situations in the life of her family. In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, please guide and direct her in each circumstance. Help her to see Your hand of comfort, correction and deliverence. Help her to praise and thank You in the midst of these trials. This woman needs You! Bring Your choice ones around her, to help her shoulder the load. Show Yourself strong Lord God, for Your name’s sake. Monica – Declare Psalm 27 to Your God!
Dear Monica,
May you be blessed today this Shabbat. All I can do is pray for you and speak from experience…YHWH
has brought me through much these past 4 months…. my temple was completely broken to the rebuilding and restoration of it now!!! I strongly recommend this book…THE HEALING CODE, by Alex Loyd, PhD, ND and Ben Johnson, MD, DO, NMD Foreword by Jordan Rubin, PhD, NMD, Author of The Makers Diet. Order it and read it. I pray it speak to your heart and soul, and that you and your family will be completely healed. I do believe in complete healing just like the apostles where doing! We will continue to see and experience more healings in these end times to increase our faith and lead our lost sisters, brothers, families and friends to the complete restoration of the body of Messiah! You are a strong women who has extreme faith in her Messiah and believes that Yashua can heal, I do too. I cried out as well for answers …. it gets to that point…. the suffering and pain you and your family are in…. all I wanted was that our Heavenly Father be glorified… through my journey He has brought many people into my husbands and my life. The Holy Spirit was speaking through people, sources,His Word… I knew our illnesses and sufferings where not only for YHWHS glory…. but also to show me the things I had been doing to destroy His temple… I pray you receive this and order this book… believe what the
Holy Spirit is telling you. I know you and your family will not regret it… This Alex Loyd does know our GOD personally! You are being lifted up in prayer and supplication.
Dear Sister Monica, I will pray for your son’s condition also for your mother , you and marriage and your family! YHWH knows our hearts and allows us to praise HIM in distress to see our “faith” in action, not HIS, He is faithful and true.
You are on my prayer list. Have faith this situation “will” change quickly ! According to your belief in Yeshua! Amen
Pastor Paul
Hi Monica,
Rest assured that your concerns are being prayed for throughout this country and around the world now as your request goes viral! I have prayed for your son and mom, along with you and your husband. It is essential that you AGGRESSIVELY pursue and maintain your marriage during these trying times! Don’t give satan a foothold…stand up to him in the name of JESUS !!
Your prayer partner!
Steve Dyer
Dearest Monica,
I understand. All of it.
Monica, dear,
We have experienced the dear Lord as a “very PRESENT help in times of trouble” during job loss, bankruptcy, dependent parents with similar health issues, our own health issues, no insurance and loss of our home – all at the same time. I feel your pain and I cry out to our loving Father on your behalf knowing He hears, He cares, and He makes a way in the darkness when life is crappy. I wrap my arms around and hold you up daily to His loving care. He WILL make a way for you as He did for us. I’m His alone, Karen
Monica – My heart broke when I read the response of your bible study to your request for prayer. I’m praying for you & yours.
Your plate is full and I will be happy to add you to my prayers. As far as the TMJ goes, the only thing that has helped me is chiropractic. The jaw is misaligned. I went through all of the orthotics, even biting through one, but this was instant relief.
Precious lady,
I have a son with mental disorders, a grandson with celiac, & a mother in a semi-advanced stage of brain deterioration in my home who I may have to place in a nursing home soon. I get TMJ from grinding my teeth. (My chiropractor sets my jaw and keeps me sane) I totally understand isolation. No one wants to come around and visit so much pain. These things are the thorns on my roses. However because my roses require so much care, there is also much time spent in their loveliness and fragrance.
I will certainly bring you to our little Shabbat gathering today and post you on my prayer wall.
Skip can we put up a prayer blog or something. Monica can’t be the only one who needs a place to post her triumphs and tragedies. We need to here what’s happening to the ones we pray for and they need to be able to post answers to prayer as an encouragement to themselves and us as well.
Shabbat Shalom Monica,
Thank you for sharing your needs with all of us here. I pray that the light of Yeshua will shine into the depths of your family and that His glorious light will flood into all the darkness and the greatness of His Mighty Love will reflected everywhere in your life and the life of your precious family!
From a place of ‘knowing’ I will be lifting you and your family up in prayer Monica
Yeshua is our hiding place and He always gives strength!
Thanks Skip for sending this, but I thought oh no, not this added to your life when you offer us so much already,,,,on further reading I decided this was not you but a dear one that was requesting prayers from our community of believers. We will hold this sister up for prayers as we know He does answer prayers. Not the way we want it immediately, but in due time in due season building our faith as we go. For Monica I lift her up as I type for those blessings and strength that are hers to claim…
Dear Monica,
I have friends in the same situation so you are not alone. As a word of comfort, God did more healing on the Sabbath than on any other day so today is the day when miracles can start happening for you, Jordan, your mother and family. From this community, you now have a great prayer covering surrounding you of whom the greatest advocate is Jesus. May He provide you a multitude of wise counselors and know and believe that His Spirit of love, power and self-discipline (sound mind) is resident within you. Worry, fear and anxiety will only “ring the doorbell” of the evil one so abide in GOD’S faith, hope and security.
Jesus knew how to breathe through the pain and “for the joy that was set before Him, endured the Cross…” Always remember, there is resurrection power operative in our lives TODAY and therefore, despite the trials we presently experience, we are VICTORS and not VICTIMS. You are much loved Monica and God is the great compensator. May you experience His deep and abiding presence today and in the weeks, month and year to come. I will be keeping you and your family in prayer.
Side note: as a Natural Health practitioner, there is much you can do for your present stress level which is exacerbating issues. The spiritual and physical are intimately tied together. In concert with your present medical doctor (that I assume uses Western methods of treatment), I would also highly suggest finding a reliable/credible naturopathic physician who can help you ‘balance’ your system so it will stop releasing an overabundance of cortisol and other undesirable chemicals when under high stress. If you’ve already done so, I hope he/she is helpful. Consistency is the key.
I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of readers for Monica. Just this week, we (all of us) delivered real help to Ellen who was in desperate need. Now we have the opportunity to press God to deliver real help to Monica. I am thrilled to be a small part of this great worldwide fellowship. YOU ARE ALL TO BE BLESSED! Especially today, on this Shabbat.
Shabbat Shalom Monica,
My heart goes out to you. We have a Torah study group that will meet today and we do pray at our meeting. We will pray for your situation today.
Dearest Monica,
My heart broke when you said that your Bible study group said that that was not the place for prayer – you are in the wrong group! Make an earnest plea to God to lead you to a group of ladies who are not only interested in learning “facts”, but in putting them into practice by becoming a family of believers supporting and helping each other.
I too have been at the end of my rope, and am going through some of it myself right now. I keep hanging onto Isaiah 41:13 – “For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.” I pray that you will hold tight to the Lord’s hand, taking your strength from Him. When you get really down put on some praise music and sign at the top of your voice. Hang in there my sister for your whole community here is praying for you!
I hear your weariness and want you to know that I too will be praying for you and your family. You indeed have a full plate.
God’s peace and strength to you.