The First Law of Production
Sow with a view to righteousness, reap in accordance with kindness; . . .You have plowed wickedness, you have reaped injustice. Hosea 10:12 and 13 NASB
Sow-reap/ plow-reap – There once was a man who went out to sow. The seed in his bag was his weapon against starvation. He spread it across the soil with hope that in a few months he would harvest the results of his labor. After the seed was sown, he plowed the soil, turning it over so it covered the seed. Each time the plow cut through the ground, his effort and God’s provision of rain in season meant that he had separated himself from the enemy that could destroy him – hunger.[1]
This imagery finds its way into Hosea’s insight about righteousness and wickedness. All seed produces. It is the nature of seed to sprout. Given soil and water, seeds become plants and plants become the harvest crop.
The text literally says, “Sow to yourselves righteousness, reap as hesed.” Well, almost. Actually the text does say, “Sow to yourselves righteousness (tsedaqah).” Clearly that means to spread blameless conduct and integrity across the ground. But it doesn’t actually say “reap in accordance with kindness.” That is a gloss. Nor does it say, “reap as mercy.” What it actually says is a complicated expression that combines two words into one. Those words are lefi – hesed. We know hesed. It is the umbrella word for mercy, lovingkindness, unwavering care and concern, goodness and other translation terms. Lefi is actually the combination of the preposition le with the noun peh. Peh is the word for “mouth.” Now we see the agricultural metaphor distributed across the entire thought. “Sow blameless conduct and integrity for yourselves and reap into your own mouth goodness, lovingkindness, mercy and more.” The first law of production: you reap what you sow. Ah, but we knew that. What we didn’t realize is the earthy quality of this law. Just like putting seed in the ground eventually produces bread on the table, sowing righteousness puts food in our mouths too. That food is God’s hesed bread. Since no man lives by wheat bread alone, God provides another kind of bread but it also requires planting.
The first law of production applies to other kinds of spiritual agricultural too. “You have plowed wickedness,” is the phrase harashtem-resha. Harash, the verb “to plow,” paints an important picture. “Separate a person from what destroys,” shows us that plowing staves off the threat of hunger. But when we turn over the soil on wickedness (resha), something else grows. Injustice.
We might have expected punishment or wrath from God or destruction, chaos and heartache from men, but I doubt we think of injustice as the result of sowing wickedness. We usually think of injustice as wickedness. The word (‘awel) means anything that deviates from the right way of doing things. The right way is, of course, God’s way and He has made that way abundantly clear. Therefore, “to plow wickedness” is simply to live without regard for Torah. Religious activity does not exempt one from plowing wickedness since wickedness is not strictly what is ethically repugnant. Israel was religious. It just wasn’t religious according to God’s instructions. When we plow what is not in alignment with God’s instructions, we reap what is not straight. We reap aberration. What is just is what aligns itself with the Judge of the world. What is unjust opposes Him. That is why the text can translate ‘awel as injustice.
The first law of production applies to more than Israel. Paul makes is quite clear that it applies to every human being on the face of the planet. God provides the elements needed for harvesting, the rain, the soil, the sun and the seed. We plant. Whatever we plant will grow and become what it essentially is.
Topical Index: sow, plow, reap, zara’, qatsar, harash, hesed, ‘awel, Hosea 10:12-13
[1] Sow – zara’. Reap – qatsar. Plow – harash (also to devise evil against a neighbor or enemy, to engrave (with preposition ‘al) and in a second root, to be deaf, silent, mute. The pictographs are:
Zara’ – weapon of a person
Qatsar – behind the desire of a person
Harash – separate a person from what destroys
Recently, from Skip’s teaching and applying the principles of confession, repentance and removing destructive seeds/spirits through the power of Yeshua I am making great progress towards kingdom living. After many years on this way I am now beginning to reap “into my mouth” the bread of goodness, mercy, loving kindness, etc. It wasn’t always that way. I grew up in a “lost” family. I learned well how to sow corrupt seeds of selfishness, fear, defensiveness, rejection, pity, victimization, cruelty, elitisim, intellectualism, unkindness, rage, manipulation, etc. I was born with a DNA riddled with evil inclination. I did not know the principle of what is in me will come upon me. Therefore, my life has been quite a struggle. The worst part was that I was in the dark. I always wondered what was going on? I had a chronic compulsion to judge others, not being able to look at the tsunami of faults in me. I was reaping he’ll on earth even as a believer. “… in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.” Romans 2:1
Trust in the LORD, and do good; [so] shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily (truly) thou shalt be fed. (Psalm 37.3-KJV) God anointed Yeshua from Natzeret with the Ruach HaKodesh and with power; how Yeshua went about doing good and healing all the people oppressed by the Adversary, because G-d was with Him. (Acts 10.38)
“I will do Torah (shema)- and then I will understand..”
“Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of G-d.” (Luke 8.11) We should review this teaching of Yeshua. To me, -it’s all about the soil.. There’s nothing wrong with the seed, it’s “good seed.” The problem is with the dirt and the receptivity of the receiver. -Do we welcome the word(s) of the LORD? Are they given permission to penetrate the hardness of our hearts? Do we have ears to hear and a heart to obey? Are we teachable? (meek?).
-“for when the student is ready- the Teacher will show up..” (John 14.26)
Carl, just a thought. What would happen to the seed if in analogy it was you and/or me and the soil were the power or strength outside of the seed. The the soil could become the different kinds of situations we fall into (or get ourselves into). Regardless of the soil, the seeds mission is to be planted, sproute, grow and reach the harvest (just like I am to do). Using this kind of visioning makes a very different story of the parable of the seed (rather than the parable of the sower.)
I see it (it’s all good!) as the parable of not the seed, nor of the sower, but the parable of the soil. It’s all about the dirt!
We see also in this parable the Sower (who is G-d our Father) is prodigal (lavish) and indiscriminate in His sowing of the seed. (Whosoever will-may come..) G-d’s “open invitation!” Yes.. – to the Jew first, and (praise His Name) also to the Gentiles. Because G-d SO loved the world.. -amein!
I am so entertained and amused when I see life growing out of a crack in a rock. G-d can grow life anywhere, for He (of course) is the Author, Artist, Creator and Cultivator of all that lives, but when “good seed” meets good soil- and the Giver of all that is good provides the rain from heaven, the water of life, -“growth occurs.” Every seed is a miracle. Amein?
I love this particular though also brother Roy and entertain it often.. I do not (neither does anyone) know what goes on within one square inch of soil, but this I know (yes, experientially), our G-d is a G-d of the telescopic and the microscopic! Again, – what is “big” to G-d? – and what is small? (He that is faithful in that which is faithful also in that which is much)- Woah!- (or woe?)
This much we know also dear brother- our Sovereign, (now reigning) King of kings is well aware of our “situations” and “circumstances.” What an eye-opener it was for me to “know” this.. (Yes, there is a “story” behind this..- (always is!!) “Bloom where you are planted” – is not far from the truth!! Today, I will serve Him -right where I am.. (lol!..-in the Walmart parking lot?) Yes.. He is LORD of the right here, -right now- this very (kairos) moment.
To shorten this.. and to make it more readable- especially in this age of twitters and tweets.. -I’ll upload my “blog” about the “good earth” (hopefully), a short while from now..
Shalom, my friends, -for He is LORD!
“We plant. Whatever we plant will grow and become what it essentially is.”
Hi Skip,
The statement above seems to imply that in a sense we really do “create our own destiny.”
I learned that lesson first working over at Cisco from the CEO John Chambers.
Where I started reading the Daily Word Study on my Cisco userid.
Wondering what planet this Dr. Moen came from
Along this line of thought – “I reap what I sow” – I recall a point Rob Bell makes in his latest book, “Love Wins”. He comments on Yeshua’s parable of the prodigal son and the celebration that his father gives him. The celebration is a party and among the guests are presumably both brothers; the younger and the elder. They are both at the same party, but for each it is an entirely different experience. For the younger it is like heaven. He has been accepted and restored as a son of his father. For the elder brother it is like hell. He perceives the party is not for him and that his hard work is going unnoticed and unappreciated. Each brother gets what he wants; or gets what he has sown. Obviously, the younger is reaping not from his “wild oats” previously sown, but from the seeds of repentance more recently sown.
Interesting, Roderick. Maybe, he already reaped (judgement) what he had sown with his wild living by ending up with the pigs. This judgement caused him to sow repentance so he could reap love and acceptance. Isn’t that a metaphor for God’s brilliant way to bring us back to Him?
Robin, absolutely. His judgements lead us to repentance; to restoration. In contrast the elder brother is too caught up in his uncompensated performance. All the while ignoring that all his father has is his too. Quite a commentary on all of us.
Well.. here it is Roy. I apologize for the length but sometimes there is quite a bit of dirt to sort through to find a chunk of gold!! (Also the formatting might be a bit ruff in transitioning from a Word document.) Enjoy!
the soil and the Son
with the lowly is wisdom.. proverbs 11.2
humble yourself in the sight of the Lord..
The Hebrew word for man, adam, derives directly from the Hebrew word adamah, meaning ground or soil: “and the Lord God formed the adam dust from the adamah . . .” (Genesis. 2:19).
“And the Lord formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life:and man became a living soul.” (Genesis 2.7)
2 Timothy 3.16 “All scripture is given by inspiration of G-d..”
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. John 8:12
I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. (1 Corinthians 3:6_
Our Three-part Salvation
The Need For Seed
The Need for a Sower
The Need for Soil
A Sower went forth to sow…
(notice please,-the problem is not with the seed -it’s with the soil)
identifying the good seed- the Word of God (my Word will not return void)
the simple sowing how hard is it to plant a seed? (depends upon the soil!)
the union of seed and soil- the seed mysteriouly needs the soil (we are His body)
the need of the seed – without the seed the soil will remain unproductive and sterile
the necessity of the seed- no growth will occur in the soil without the seed
-do I need God’s Word in my life?
the multiplication of the seed- depending on the seed that was planted, tremendous multiplication may occur.(some 30x, some 60x, some 100x)
the growth of the seed- A mysterious union takes place between the two resulting in miraculous growth. (from acorns to oaks!)
the death of the seed- except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die..
buried with Him by baptism (immersion-all_unto death/separation
-come out from among them and be yet separate unto me.
the scattering of the seed: freely give!!
the soil -our hearts
the sower -the Holy Spirit
the sun- (Son) God’s amazing grace (His warming love)
Is He the soothing Son or the seething Son?
Is the Son a blessing heat or a blasting,burning heat?
“Behold therefore the goodness and severity of G-d” (Romans 11:22)
the Savior- who cultivates and cares for the seed
the stones- the cares of this life, the things that bind us and shade/starve us from the Light
“Tell me, I pray thee, wherein thy great strength lieth,and wherewith thou mightest be bound to afflict thee.” (Judges 16.6)
He is:
the Sovereign Sustainer He is the Creator, Cultivator, and Caretaker of all creation.
the Supplier of the soil for it is G-d that worketh in you both to will and to do of His good
Soil is constantly breaking down/building up- and our G-d is constantly and consistently working! (even in the night)
My God shall supply all your need! -Sometimes deep plowing, sometimes gentle cultivating and weeding! Sometimes a gentle rain! -At times a delightful dew.
the supplements of the soil
Soil amendments (compost, fertilizer, etc.) do no good unless they are applied. These supplements include but are not limited to: compasssion, mercy, grace,love and joy.
-think of all the different sorts of soil in the world!!
shallow soil
stony soil the seed is not allowed to penetrate. This soil is not good for anything.
Maybe in the fulness of time with a few good storms, some freezing and thawing, enough friction will occur to allow some good soil to be made.
sandy soil
sticky soil-miry clay
solid soil (frozen) must be thawed out (we need some sunshine Lord!)
“Lord, let your light, light of your love shine on us.”
sterile soil- might be good looking but not good for growth
strange soil- some soil appears odd, different colors, or not what we are accustomed to.
sustaining soil-constantly in motion, breaking down,moving against itself to release nourishment for the seed. (the good stuff!)
stirred soil- for soil to be most productive it must be stirred. These are the day-to-day gifts of grace that come from above. All things great and small affect the soil.
secret soil- hidden and encased under concrete and asphalt-not allowing any penetration of the seed.
sleepless soil God is working in the soil 24 hrs a day! Soil never sleeps..
Lord you have done some “deep plowing” in my heart and I thank you for disturbing the soil of my heart. Thank you for the sunshine of your love, for the watering of your Holy Word, for all the nourishment of every good gift found beneath the surface in things I never even see. You are working constantly in the warming,freezing, watering, lighting (and darkness). I pray dear Lord Jesus that I would be good soil and would bring forth fruit one-hundred fold for the glory of your name. Amen
and dear Lord Jesus may this further plant “a seed” in my heart to love you more!!
I’m sure this is not the first (or last) article to be written about soil but I hope this has been a blessing to you. Remember whether sunshine,rain, heat, cold, balmy breezy days, earthquakes, storms, light or darkness.. Our Sovereign G-d is constantly working to build strong, life-sustaining, soil.
“For it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.”