Missing Ingredients
In return for my love they accuse me, but I give myself to prayer. Psalm 109:4 ESV
I give myself to – Reading this verse presents a dilemma. Are we to accept the gloss (the additional words) of the translation because it makes sense to us or are we to reject the gloss and end up with a difficult English sentence? A quick review of English Bibles indicates that they all gloss this verse, adding words (and thoughts) that may not be present in the actual text. They do this because of our conceptions of prayer, as we shall see.
First, let’s consider the Hebrew. As you know, Hebrew grammar often omits the copula in the present tense. For example, in Hebrew we would encounter elohim tov (God good) but in English we would translate “God is good.” This seems fairly straightforward. It means that in my paradigm I think of attributes as independent of the object they modify. That is, “red” is independent of “car” in the description “red car.” But in Hebrew thought, the object is the attribute. If I take away the “red” in “red car,” I don’t have an uncolored car. Instead I don’t have any car at all. This particular car is red. That’s what makes it what it is. So, “God is good,” does not suggest that goodness exists apart from God and is merely ascribed to Him. In Hebrew, goodness is God and He cannot be conceived as God without it.
Now let’s apply this idea to David’s verse. In Hebrew, the verse does not say, “I give myself to prayer.” Nor does it say, “I am in prayer” (as we find in ISR or NASB). In Hebrew it says wa’ani tefillah, “but I prayer.” Apply the grammatical rule. David says, “I am prayer.” “There are three rungs to this ladder [of holding fast to God in worship]. Third best is to talk about prayer. Second best is to pray. Best is to be prayer.”[1] The gloss in the English text might make the verse easier to read but it disguises David’s powerful statement by reducing it to something that our paradigm comprehends. We think of prayer as an activity that we do or do not engage in. We think of such an activity as independent of who we are. We do not think of ourselves as prayer. The translators of this verse have adopted the view that prayer is one thing and I am another thing and that there can be some nonessential connection between these two things. But that isn’t David’s view. For David, unless he is prayer, the evil of enemies will prevail.
What does it mean to be prayer? I imagine that David sees the essential connection between God’s spoken word, power, creation, covenant, love and transformation in prayer. I imagine that David experiences the personality of God in a conversation that does not know the difference between subject and object. But I can only imagine – because I am not prayer. David challenges me to put aside my truncated understanding and become something I am not.
Topical Index: prayer, ani tefillah, gloss, Psalm 109:4
[1] Chaim Stern, ed., Gates of Forgiveness: The Union S’lichot Service, Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1993, p. 7.
1 Thess. 5:17 Pray without ceasing. Makes more sense now. Now, if I would only do it. Blessings to all.
This describes my sister. It is a blessing to be with someone who is prayer.
I loved what you shared today because the Jews totally view prayer in this manner. In the Hebraic sense, they believe that when Yawheh breathed into humanity the breathe of life, humanity became a praying creature and in essence — a prayer. When you think about it, there is no other creature on the face of the earth that prays except those created in God’s image.
Sages also believe that when God breathed into us the breathe of life, He also imparted to us His divine intellect and therefore the ability to commune with Him. So in essence, God (The Prayer) breathed into being ~ us (or prayers — as innumerable as the sand on the seashore) to flood the cosmos with eternal song, praise, creative activities…worship.
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel once wrote, “To pray is to take notice of the wonder, to regain a sense of the mystery that animates all beings, the divine margin in all attainments.”
In the Union Prayer Book Siddur, “Gates of Prayer,” it states, “If you rise from prayer a better person, is that not answered prayer?”
Oftentimes I would tell my friends if they happened to be depressed or despondent that day, to go and be a “living prayer” to someone.
Thanks for stimulating my thoughts on prayer Skip. Interestingly, I had a hard time communing with the Lord this morning and your timely TW, as always, was the spark I needed to release my awareness on the subject. Today at least, instead of thinking what to say to Abba, I’ll just listen and go out and be that living prayer.
Please provide the reference from Heschel. I missed that one and I love his work.
Man’s Quest for God ~ Studies in Prayer and Symbolism
This is so great, thanks.
This morning I finished listening to your cd’s on prayer and just took out SR 3 to look up the 30 Hebrew words for prayer. And yes David is right. How can I groan, she’agah, or dance if I am not prayer? I am what I do?
Flying to Israel, being surrounded by a plane full of praying Jews, was one of the most awesome experiences in my life. What a blessing.
I think my friend Ellen is prayer.
Galatians 22 But the Scripture declares that the whole world is a prisoner of sin, so that what was promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe. 23 Before this faith came, we were held prisoners by the law, locked up until faith should be revealed.
It has always been difficult for me to follow Paul down his path to Faith
My problem begins with Abraham killing his son (prefer the song Faith No More)
Of course, I can sympathize with Paul’s tolerance regarding the Law of circumcision
But it was against God’s commandment
Yahweh God said the opposite
Not sure what you mean here. Abraham did not kill his son. God did not command him to do so (read “The Hidden Please”). Circumcision is not against God’s commandment. I am a little lost with your comments. Perhaps it just needs more context.
What is “The Hidden Please”?
an article I wrote some time ago about the Hebrew text of the abraham and Isaac story. You can search for it on my web site.
Hi Skip,
Abraham did not kill his son, but he would have as I understand it
22:2 Abraham take your son … and offer him as a burnt offering …
22:10 Abraham stretched out his hand and seized the knife to kill his son
The commandment to circumcise is given at Gen. 17:10-14 and Lev. 12:3
Paul did not strictly enforce this commandment on adult Gentiles
See Galatians 5:12. the Faith over Law argument
Hi Skip,
BTW the other day you posted a document about AA and I opened it on my laptop
Now I can’t find it, can you point me to it?
I would if I could, but I don’t remember and I am in San Jose, Costa Rica.
In both cases, the translations fail us. Please read “The Hidden Please” to see what is going on in the Genesis account, and listen to either me or Bob Gorelik on Galatians to see what is going on there.
Thanks Skip,
this is a very interesting idea. I am thinking and thinking about what you wrote and what came to my mind is John chapter 15 about abiding in Christ and then being able to ask and receive freely. The abiding and the asking seem to go together and so David could feel safe in his relationship with God even though he was accused by his enemies. I have never thought of being prayer before. it is good to think about this important idea. I was also thinking about the idea of our prayers being a sweet aroma of incense before God and if our lives are prayer then it seems our very being would be bringing him pleasure not just when come to a certain time and talk With Him.
I wrote poem today. I thought I would share it with you.
Anxiously waiting or waiting expectantly
The patio door was left open
one day a bee flew in he was stuck inside the window
back and forth, back and forth he buzzed
the sound of his buzzing getting more and more….
He didn’t know I was watching and could help
If only we could communicate……
if only he knew that I would help
and that he, the bee is precious to me and my garden.
The back and forth of the bee reminds me of anxiety and
busy, busy, searching.
it wastes a lot of energy; it does us little good,
and in the end it leaves one exhausted.
The bee was soon lying wings down on the wooden window sill
legs wiggling upward, he soon would be gone.
No more to gather pollen and initiate life-giving, sweet fruit
God says, I’m here and I will help; we wear
ourselves out with anxiously looking, when beeing still
still enough to listen, is the solution. And climbing
into that the tea cup laid on its side in front of me seems
a ridiculous way to get back outside. My rescue
is dark to me
because……. I cannot see the goodness in the hand that will
hold the tea cup’s handle
and lift me back outdoors.
It’s hard to trust when you’re a Bee and it’s hard to trust
when you’re a Me.
It’s hard to trust when you’re a Bee and it’s hard to trust
when you’re a Me.
Hi Lois,
I agree it’s also hard to trust
when you’re a Me
But trust we must, if we want to be
Free from anxiety
Once Upon a (special) Time..
The “long and the short of it” is this.. “God is able, when we are willing.” The is the blood-covenant “marriage made in Heaven,”- ONE who is able and one who is willing. Ruth, I’d like for you to meet Boaz, He is your near Kinsman-Redeemer.
The king was “forced” by his own laws,- “the law of the land,”- to cast Daniel, (one who was faithful in prayer) into the lion’s den. *But God* was not only ‘able’-He was willing and- He heard the prayer of Daniel, saw his need (if I was in a pit of hungry lions- I would very much need to be “saved,”) and “lo and behold” (once again…) God delivered Daniel.
Every time (every time) we read in the scriptures *but God*- there is a “turning point” in whatever story or circumstance; “things” -situations/circumstances are about to change (and always for the better!).
The “buts” of scripture are huge. The law of the land said “do not pray except to anyone but the king,” *but Daniel* continued to faithfully pray- he persevered in prayer, he continued in prayer and actually did pray to the King, but not the one who mistakingly thought he was in charge. (this happens alot with earthly kings- they mistakingly think- they are the ones in charge!) Daniel continued praying, (morning, noon and night!- ’round the clock?’)- non-stop prayer to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Sometimes I wish the Jewish people were more familiar with their own story as written in the scriptures; here is only a small slice:
~ And He said, (God is speaking to Moses) Draw not near here: put off your shoes from off your feet, for the place where on you stand is holy ground. Moreover He said, I AM the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look on God. And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows ~ (Exodus 3.5-7)
~ And Hashem passed by before him, and proclaimed, Hashem, Hashem El Rachum v’Channun, slow to anger, and abundant in chesed and emes.. ~ (Shemot 34:6)
~ The LORD passed by before him and proclaimed: “The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, and abounding in loyal love and faithfulness.. ~ (Exodus 34.6)
So there remains a Shabbat-keeping for God’s people. For the one who has entered God’s rest has also rested from his own works, as God did from His. Therefore, let us do our best *to enter* that rest; so that no one will fall short because of the same kind of disobedience. See, the Word of God is alive! It is at work and is sharper than any double-edged sword – it cuts right through to where soul meets spirit and joints meet marrow, and it is quick to judge the inner reflections and attitudes of the heart.
Before God, nothing created is hidden, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must render an account. Therefore, since we have a great Cohen Gadol who has passed through to the highest heaven, Yeshua, the Son of God, let us hold firmly to what we acknowledge as true. For we do not have a cohen gadol unable to empathize with our weaknesses; since in every respect He (the son of man) was tempted (tested/tried/”tribulated”) just as we are, the only difference being that He did not sin. Therefore, let us confidently approach the throne from which God gives grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace in our time of need ~ (Hebrews 4.-16)
How may one who is a known sinful creature approach this throne of grace (God who is Sovereign over all His creation) when God is known to be (as He revealed Himself to Moses) “holy?”
Is there now, today, – a “Mediator,” a “go-between,”- Do we (who are sinners) now have an “Advocate” (a Friend and a Helper) with the Father?
~ My little children, these things write I unto you that ye may not sin, and if any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous: ~(1 John 2.1)
~ My yeladim, these things I write to you so that you do not commit averos, and if anyone does commit averos, a Melitz Yosher (Advocate) we have with HaAv, Yehoshua/Yeshua, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach the Tzaddik ~ (Yochanan I 2:1)
Yes. We do. ~ Until now you have not asked for anything in My Name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete ~ (John 16:24)
There is nothing (not one thing) one this green planet, that will bring “greater joy”- than specific answers to specific prayer.
One testimony: (we need to share with one another when God answers prayer!)
After Hurricane Katrina swept through, many “refugees” came into our community seeking shelter and safety. Many area churches opened their facilities to minister unto these families and to provide their basic needs as far as was within their limited abilities. The call went out for volunteers “to help.”
I answered this call and went with two willing hands. Have I mentioned before- “God is able when we are willing?” (He is.)
As God often does- He turned the tables..- I went there to give and to do anything , but came away with more than before. More what? More faith.. more hope and more love. – and more “wow God!”-that was awesome, and that was “You!” “God (and God alone) did that!”
The stories,- the testimonies of the people God delivered- as I spoke with each one- each one had a story of deliverance -a story of salvation to share, and I there I sat- listening- and enthralled- filled with wonder and amazement at the goodness and greatness of our Sovereign Savior. I came to give, but* received instead.
The time came (it always does!) for me to leave, but just as I was about to enter my car and drive away, a man also wearing a yellow shirt, (another volunteer) said to me- “may I share with you what just happened?” He too, had a story to share! – But wait!..- there’s more! (lol!)- there’s always “more..”
I said yes. I gave him a listening ear, my time and my focused attention. And here is his story..
I asked a man if he had any needs I might provide for him and he said “yes, I need a size 38 pants and four blankets for my family.” I said I would look for them and then proceeded to go to the large truck that was parked outside. This was a donated Mayflower moving truck, jam-packed with stuff and things. – There were sacks and boxes everywhere, – so I prayed. (so he did). He prayed and he prayed specifically. “LORD, there is a man who has a need and I need Your help. I need a size 38 pants, can You help me- help him?” As soon as he said “in the Name of Jesus, amen!”- he saw a sack near to him and opened it up and looked inside.
Anyone want to guess what he found there? (seek and you will find!) lol!- Yes, it was a size 38 pants. Was there, at this particular moment in time (he inquired) .. great joy?
Late at night, inside of a Mayflower moving van, this man was himself (not a doubt!) moved! -hmm.. gives me an idea! (pray more?)
But, wait..- there’s more! (always more!) for this man also prayed- “LORD, thank You for providing the size 38 pants (it is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD), but my friend also needs four blankets for his family.”- What happened next? lol! – (It also gives me great joy- just to share this story with you!)
Just then, after this man prayed (specifically) for four blankets, a car pulled up outside of the Mayflower moving van to donate some items for the ones who were in need. (Have you ever noticed “grace meets need?”)
We have some things we would like to give to this relief effort. Could you help us? “Sure,” my new friend said. The driver popped open the trunk of his car and inside the trunk of the car were four bags and inside of each bag was what? Er-uhh.. four blankets? YES!!
I cannot even tell this testimony or share this story without a little shout.. (GO GOD!!!) Yes, when God answers prayer, specific prayer for specific things- it gives ~ joy unspeakable and full of glory!! ~ but look at me, here I am trying my best to describe it, but feel ~ weighed in the balances,” and found wanting ~
If only.. – if only “YOU” had been there that blessed night. I’m the one with the remembrance of this, and I at this time am thinking of the man whose specific prayers God answered on that blessed night.
Did this moment in time change his life? Was Peter changed after he walked on water, or after Yeshua lifted him to safety? So many miracles, so many testimonies- where to begin?
*in the beginning God..?* Tell me (please)- there is no God! Is this the only time, the only event, I have ever witnessed- up close and personal? No. But wait!.. there’s more..- (always more..)
Does this encourage me to pray? Yes. Please.
Friends.. you ever “been there.. done that?” Do you know (experientially) the joy of answered prayer? Ask me.. (please do), – Is God good? May I testify?
I (also) have a story to share. lol! – (just one?) Nooooo. Not by a long-shot. But here again..in the mouths of many witnesses- as we all will testify: God is SOOOO good!! Yes, – all the time..- and to every one. Friends, -it is so. (amen!)
~ Blessed be the Name of ADONAI from this moment on and forever! ~ (Psalm 113.2)
Prayers that a faithful saint utters under a private roof is very acceptable unto Him.
But if a saint’s single voice in prayer is so welcome in God’s ear, how much more a congregation met together for prayer, praise and worship.
A father is glad to see any one of his children, and welcomes him, but how his joy is increased if his whole family comes together; it is then that the greatest feast is spread. (ask for the butter to be passed and it is likely to come to you from both sides)
There is a wonderful prevalence in the joint prayers of His people. When Peter was in prison, the Church met and prayed him out of his enemies’ hands. God is faithful even when we are not. Those who were praying refuse at first to believe that it is really Peter. They prayed he would be released, but they failed to expect an answer.
A prince will grant a petition subscribed by the hands of a whole city, which may be he would not at the request of a private subject.
The power of prayer does not flow from us; it is not special words we say or the special way we say them or even how often we say them. The power of prayer is not found in facing a certain direction or in what bodily position we assume. To a discussion if prayer ought to be offered kneeling, standing, or with hands uplifted, a old farmer recalled that the “praying-est prayer” he had ever prayed was when he was upside down in a well he had fallen into!
Power in prayer does not come from the use of artifacts, icons, candles, beads or a tallit. The power of prayer comes from the Omnipotent One who hears our prayers and answers. Prayer places us in contact with Almighty God, and we should expect almighty results, whether or not He chooses to answer them yes or no. Both are answers! Whatever the answer to our prayers, when He answers, it will be according to His perfect will and timing.
I can link my testimony with Carl’s in that I have personally had prayer answered while I was still praying. It is wonderful exercise to write your prayers and the dates in a notebook, and after a few years go back thru and see for yourself how God answered them. You will find you forgot you even asked so many of them. And you can be assured that any one outstanding prayer, that answer is simply “wait”.
I’ve heard so many wail of unanswered prayers, that I have thought I’d buy myself a t-shirt and have printed on it: “I’ve had thousands and thousands of prayers answered. Do you want to know my God?”
The Lord God Almighty answers prayer. “I call on you, O God, for you will answer me” Ps. 17:6
“The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles” Ps. 34:17
God knows our hearts, and He knows our needs. I once attended a rather large “mega-church” (large families have more fun!) and had a lady approach me (I don’t know “why me?”)- and with panic in her voice (coming from a fear-filled heart!- what’s down in the well will come up in the bucket!) said to me, “I can’t find my son, – will you pray?”
Now, how am I supposed to refuse a request like that! (it ain’t gonna happen!) so I said “Yes, -let’s pray together!” As soon as (or what seemed micro-seconds after we prayed and “asked” here came her son and they were reunited! My response? Wow God!.. – that was fast! Yes, sometimes the answers come in accordance with our needs- Peter needed help and he needed it fast! He was on his way down when our Savior rescued him. The need was great – his prayer was direct, simple- and from the heart, “LORD, save me!” – I doubt very much Peter whispered that prayer! lol!
I do not wish to sound “super-spiritual” or whatever ever “label” you wish to tag on me, but truly I do love to pray… It is the best kept secret in “Christendom” (if there is such a word). Prayer is the start of my “everyday..” Prayer should be a “holy habit” – and prayer certainly can become “habit forming” (Am I addicted to prayer?) Assuredly so. True prayer and true worship and true humility combine together for an “experience” unrivaled by anything this world has to offer.
I know I can say no more to “convince” anyone, other than to say, “try it, -you’ll like it! Don’t “use” prayer as a last resort, – call upon Him now- and think of Him in the night seasons and all the day long.
Our time here on this green planet is so limited. Can anyone think of a better way to spend quality time with the ONE we love other than to pray? We’ve been talking (ha!) an awful lot about “doing” here lately.. And when it comes to prayer, this “doing” has my amen! “Do it, and do it now!!” What prevents any man from praying? – Nothing, as in “not one thing!”
We could talk all day about cherry pie, but why not try a slice for yourself?
An excellent motivational piece on prayer!
I once heard a pastor say that the quality of our prayer life is a good barometer of the quality of our relationship with the Father and the Son. Everyone who desires to have a deep and abiding relationship with the Father, needs to put TIME AND EFFORT into building up their prayer life. Prayer does not come easy to many of us! It does not flow naturally and I hear people say in discussion groups that they run out of things to say to God after one minute?, five minutes? ten minutes? We are all different in where we are in our spiritual walk.
Here are a few observations that I have found helpful:
Always start a prayer by praising God and His Name! Yahshua told us to do this is His well known “Lord’s prayer”. Then talk to God about things that we know are important to Him. Conversations with people who mostly talk about themselves all the time get boring pretty quickly! Surely our conversations with God are no different. What is important to God? When we study the WORD – we find out, don’t we? Of primary interest to God is “the restoration of all things” to their pre Adamic state of utter beauty and harmony and love and peace and abundance for all. In His great salvific act at Golgotha God got the ball of restoration rolling with the symbolic and real tearing open of the great curtain in the Temple! So the next major step in His Plan is His Calling out a group of people from “every nation and tongue” to be pioneer first fruits in reigning and ruling with Yahshua during His 1000 year reign. This calling is going on before our eyes! It is God’s doing. If you feel yourself being repulsed by the values you see in the world around you, chances are God is calling you! Now you have lots to talk to God including asking Him about the role He has planned for you in His Kingdom. Lots and lots to talk to Him about there! Remember the next item Yahshua listed in the Lord’s prayer – – pray for His Kingdom to be established ASAP! Most all the writings in the Prophets in the Tanakh as well as the words of Yahshua Himself are loaded with Kingdom themes to talk to the Father about. Then, this ties in with praying that “His Will be done on earth as it is in heaven! It is self evident that the world we live in is most definitely not doing His Will. Only His called out saints who have “the earnest of His Spirit” come anywhere close to doing His Will!
The world is enslaved to the values of HaSatan and will be till King Yahshua comes and takes over rulership of planet earth (Rev.11:15). It goes without saying that God is surely pleased when we pray about His Interests first, most of the time. Then we can come to ask about our “daily bread” needs etc,.
When I lived in Los Angeles area, I sometimes heard Dennis Praeger – the radio broadcaster / Rabbi tell his listening audience to stop treating Elohim exclusively as “a celestial butler”. Do not get me wrong – the apostle Peter told us to “make our needs known to Him” and so we should. Then we can rejoice and give thanks and praise when we see our prayer answered. Of course, I think we do well when we bring the needs of others before Him first!
When I struggle in my prayer life, I always go back to a technique I learned for a Church of God pastor – Ronald Dart, and that is to pray with my Bible open and read sections out loud. The Psalms are perfect for this!
I thank you Skip for your TW today. the concept of “being a prayer’ is a thought most of us typically do not run with! It inspired me to maybe add some books from the rabbis on prayer to my library. And I thank Carl for inspiring me to write this too.
So interesting, this topic of being (a) prayer- in meditation, our thoughts are on Him all the day long, communing with HIM, seeking to hear from Him. Wow! To think of being prayer, more than being simply a person, is being in His Presence,tuned-in to His Spirit, drawing strength, light and wisdom from Him.
How marvelous!
Most intercessors, not the type recognized by men, but the ones who naturally commune with YHWH all the time, I would say are Prayers.
A beautiful TW. Thank you, Shalom!