Vienna Two

The “Conversation Room” at the Belvedere Palace The fountain in the Belvedere Palace grounds Looking up at the Vienna Town Hall


I often wonder what happened to the craftsmen who spent their lives building things like this.  Today we sacrifice art for efficiency.  It is much the same with our spiritual condition.  We are so focused on our needs that we forget that God is the greatest craftsman, and that all great works of art take…

A Little More ‘ezer kenegdo

Our fellow reader, David, sent me this link from a well-known teacher in Israel.  Seems that he and I share the same Hebrew view of ‘ezer kenegdo–and by the way, stand in opposition to virtually all the Christian interpretations in translated texts.  Here is the link to Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg, in case your interested.,0.138520166.z3afxtzwjdau2shdc8


OK, a lot of people have indicated that they would like to make another trip to Israel.  So Bob and I talked about this, floated a few ideas, and are now ready to see if we have enough interest to make this work. DATES – APPROXIMATELY  Aug 10-21, 2016 – this might change due to…

Immediate Need!

Most of you either know my dear friend Bob Gorelik or you know his work.  Some of you have had the pleasure of being with Bob in Israel.  Today Bob and I are sharing at a conference in St. Joseph, MO.  When we met yesterday for the first time since the Israel trip in May,…