Conferences Require Prayer
Dear Readers, In a few days I will be on the way to San Salvador to teach about Guardian Angel. In fact, the book will be available for the first time in Spanish. This is an important event since the message is desperately needed in Central America and now will be available in the native language….
ISRAEL 2015: Preliminary Announcement
As promised, here is the itinerary for the Israel teaching tour in 2015. Arrival in Israel will be May 23. Departure date is June 3. Since people are coming from all over the world, air transportation will be handled by each individual. You must be at the hotel in Tel Aviv by the evening…
Origins of the Idea of Sinful Nature
Christians who follow the theological bent of Augustine and Luther claim that these men derived the doctrine of sinful nature from Scripture, particularly the Genesis account of the Fall. Luther’s articulation depends on Augustine, one of the early church fathers, in spite of the differences between the two on soteriology. However, since the rabbis worked with…
STOP!! I made a mistake
THE TOUR DATES FOR ISRAEL IN 2015 are May 21 or 22 to June 2 or 3. As much as I would like to be there for six weeks (as the previous dates suggested), I don’t think any of us can afford that. Sorry Skip
What A Joy to be in Israel: Israel 2015
I am providing this post to recount what a fantastic time we had in the last two weeks in Israel. Bob and I have agreed that we will take another group next year instead of waiting for two years. The dates will be April 20-21-22 to about June 2-3-4, 2015. I am working on the details…