Día 26 – Genio Malvado

“a ti será su deseo, y tú te enseñorearás de él” Génesis 4:7 Pecado – Una vez más reconozco mi deuda al esplendido trabajo del Rabino David Fohrman por éste análisis. Ésta palabra (teshukah), utilizada  en la Biblia tres veces, es realmente una palabra sobre la energía sorprendente de creación que reside en cada uno…

Theological Correctness

but you must master it  Genesis 4:7 Master – Everything important happens in the first three chapters of Genesis.  Plus the appendix of the story of Cain.  This verse is absolutely crucial.  Why?  Because it says something about the essence of the Fall that we absolutely must know.  It says that sin did not destroy…

Evil Genius

“its desire is for you, but you must master it.” Genesis 4:7 Desire – Once again I am indebted to the splendid work of Rabbi David Fohrman for this insight.  We have looked at this word before, noting its unusual connection to ‘ezer, the Hebrew term that identifies “woman” at her creation.  But Rabbi Fohrman…

Practicing The Presence

“If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up?”  Genesis 4:7 Do Well – What do you do when you fail to live up to God’s standard?  You could throw up your hands in defeat and say, “It’s impossible.  No one can be perfect.”  Of course, then you would have to re-read Deuteronomy…

One of Three

its desire is for you, but you must master it   Genesis 4:7 Desire – The Hebrew word teshuqa is used only three times in the Bible; twice in Genesis and once in the Song of Solomon.  In this occurrence, we recognize the darker side of the word.  Sin desires Cain.  It desires to control and…


“sin is crouching at the door, and its desire is for you, but you must master it” Genesis 4:7 Desire – Why should we be stewards of our emotions?  Who cares how we feel as long as we behave correctly?  Ah, there is a deep answer here, but it is not the answer we might…


“sin is crouching at the door, and its desire is for you, but you must master it”  Genesis 4:7 Master – God can’t do everything.  No, it’s not blasphemy to say this.  God can’t do what He intends you to do without violating your freedom of choice.  And since His purposes include your freedom of…


“sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it”.   Genesis 4:7   Crouching – Genesis chapter 4 is the story of Cain and Abel.  It is a story that we have probably known since childhood God knows that emotional situations can become the seedbed for sinful acts.  He…